Page 132 of Melody

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“Maybe Dragon’s okay. Maybe he’s just drunk or something.”

“God, I hope so,” I say again.

I stand against the wall, trying not to hyperventilate. I don’t know Dragon well. No one does, really.

Except Jesse. I’ve spotted him and Dragon alone and talking many times—mainly because I’m always watching Jesse. The two of them seem to be close friends.

This must be killing Jesse.

“It’s eight thirty,” Maddie says. “We’re supposed to meet Brock, Callie, and Donny for sightseeing in half an hour.”

“Right. I guess I forgot to set my alarm.”

“Me too. I was so angry after Jesse broke up that date—or whatever it was—with Zane that I came up here and pouted. Now none of that seems important now.”

“No, it’s not important. In fact, it never was. We should be thanking your brother, Maddie, and we’ve got to fix this for him.”

“How are we supposed to fix this? We can’t go back in time and make sure Dragon stays away from whatever he took.”

“No. But we can find a drummer. What floor is Emerald Phoenix on?”

“What are you suggesting?”

“We have no choice. We have to see if their drummer can fill in for Dragon.”

“Emerald Phoenix’s drummer is not going to fill in for Dragon,” Maddie says. “He has his own band.”

I sigh. Maddie’s right. “Then Brock is their only choice.”

“If they have to cancel this tour… Jesse and Rory are going to be so disappointed. This tour could have meant their careers, and it meant so much to our family.”

“I understand more than you know. I’m going to fix this, Maddie. If it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to fix this for your brother.”
