Page 37 of On the Plus Side

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“Can I wear this every day?” Everly whispered. She felt more like herself in this costume than she did in anything that currently hung inher closet. The old Everly would have rocked this look. Everly could have sworn she could glimpse that girl behind the surprise in her expression, a shadow of the version of herself she thought she’d lost.

“I support this,” Stanton said. “We should make costumes a part of everyday dress. I feel like people would be a helluva lot happier.”

Everly loved that the hosts had dressed up, too. It made her feel a part of things. Like they’d pulled her inside.

She blinked away a wave of tears. She didn’t want to blur this image of herself or chase it away. She wanted it seared into her mind, so that every time she envisioned herself, this was what she saw.

Soft. Romantic…

For the first time since she’d hid behind Stanton’s cloak, Everly’s gaze searched for Logan.

The camera was on her, as always, but it felt like his eyes were as well. They swept over her, something weighty behind that deep blue hue.

Then the corner of his mouth tipped into the smallest of smiles.

Her stomach spun, and heat washed over her like a tidal wave as he mouthed,Striking.


Laughing in a corset was a particular kind of torture. It was like Everly’s rib cage had a rib cage, and they were vying for dominance.

“You don’t even match,” she said before erupting into another fit of cackles. Then she groaned.

“Maybe people who need makeover shows shouldn’t have opinions about others’ style choices.” Logan’s eyes narrowed at her, but that tiny teasing smile peeked out from his beard.

He walked backward, picking up the pace as if he hoped the heat or the rocky terrain they were navigating in heeled boots might take Everly, Stanton, and Jazzy out one by one, like in a horror movie.

Before they’d left the costume booth, Stanton had presented Logan with a kilt. The cameraman refused to put it on until it became clear that no one would move forward with the production schedule unless he complied.

“You need to blend in,” Stanton had insisted, brandishing the garment.

“Because that ship hasn’t already sailed with this thing.” Logan waved the camera.

Everly then (unhelpfully) pointed out that Logan would look like a time traveler, which Stanton hadloved,ensuring there was no way Logan was exiting Edmund’s Wardrobe without that kilt on.

In the end, he’d done it, but he wouldn’t budge on losing his shirt, so he now shuffled ahead of them in a yellow, red, and white plaid shirt tucked into a kilt of gray, tan, and blue tartan. He even had a sporran secured around his waist. And he’d capped it all off with his black Vans.

“This is some of my best work,” Stanton declared.

Jazzy hooked her arm with Everly’s. “Stanton dresses Logan up for every themed event.”

Another little secret about the show Everly needed to share with Becca. She’ddie.“So when you went to Disneyland?”

“Mickey ears.”

“And the beach?”

“Full surf gear. Wet suit and all.”

“And the Marvel movie?”

“He was the Hulk.”

Everly wondered if he’d worn his plaid shirt under the wetsuit, too. She arched an eyebrow at him. “Why do you give in?”

“It’s easier than fighting with them,” he mumbled. “They’re impossible.”

Stanton shook his head. “I think he secretly loves it.”
