Page 48 of On the Plus Side

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Everly’s chest felt cinched, like she was back in that Ren faire corset and someone had tied it to breaking. She couldn’t breathe. Her skin blazed.

The urge to wrap her arms around his waist and press her face to his chest overwhelmed her. She’d never so desperately craved the feel of someone else’s body. His skin must be warm under that plaid shirt. She wanted to see if it was as hot as hers. If his heart was also drumming so hard it might burst.

She scooted back farther into the seat of the lounger before her instincts took over and pressed her shoulders tight to its cushion.

“You sure that’s not my excellent personality?”

He grunted out a laugh.

Hopefully, her voice sounded as breezy as she’d meant it to.

Because inside, she was a tornado. Her pulse and stomach raged with want, with the desire to hear him repeat those words, to make her new to herself, to whisper her name in that voice that was like sand and stone.

But another part of her screamed with panic. She was just starting to stand upright, and falling for Logan would set everything off-balance.

As if she’d opened Schrödinger’s box. Torn the top right off.

She needed to figure out how to close it again before it was too late.

Everly Winters: Day 0 Interviews

Sady Sanders


This interview is filmed outside, on a bench in a small park. Everly sits facing the camera, Sady beside it so she is out of the frame.

SADY: I get the sense you’re a big fan of the show.

EVERLY: The biggest. There’s nothing else out there that really focuses on people who look like me. Maybe there’s a handful of TV shows and movies with fat characters. That’s about it. And definitely no shows about fashion. What you’re doing is amazing.

SADY: Thank you. We wouldn’t be filming season three right now without the support of fans like you.

There’s a pause, and Everly shifts in her seat. Her eyes dart from the camera to Sady, as if she has no idea where to look. More than once, she starts to straighten her skirt and top but then stops herself.

SADY: We really want to help people celebrate and embrace who they are in the moment, rather than who they were or who they hope to be. I feel like that’s the healthiest thing we can do.

Everly’s expression loses some of its brightness.

EVERLY: That can be really hard.

SADY: Without a doubt. But that’s why we’re here. To give you the support you need to make that journey.

Everly nods, her eyes on her hands clasped in her lap.

SADY: Tell us what you want from the show.

Everly’s gaze rises, and she looks directly at the camera.

EVERLY: I just… I just want to be happy. No caveats. No buts. No regrets.


“Welcome to Graphic Design 101.”

Stanton was waiting for Everly at the entrance to Matten-Waverly’s conference room when she returned from lunch. Behind him, the portable monitor was centered at the front of the room, the display bright and ready for use. James and the firm’s senior designer, Alex, sat across from it.

Everly narrowed her eyes. “I took that freshman year.”
