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“What? Clambake?”

Stephanie gags. I grab a solo cup and pour us both some of the classic high-school party punch in the middle of the kitchen island.

“What if it’s spiked with something?” Stephanie asks.

“Isn’t that the point?” I say.

“No, like, I don’t know, the date rape drug, or fentanyl. We didn’t see them make it.”

“Well, considering it’s all girls here, I think we’re good for now.” I watch as the girls sensuously writhe to the dance music, the strobing lights flashing over their bodies.

“Is anybody else horny?” Olive asks, grabbing Stephanie’s hand.

“Sometimes, I wonder what goes through that head of yours, Olive. Come on. Let’s dance,” she says, tugging their interlocked fingers. The pair skip to the make-shift dance floor and swing each other around, giggling and grinding against each other. I walk around the house, admiring the classy décor, but refrain from touching anything. This punch is fucking strong.

I’m already seeing double by the time the players come barging into the party like a pack of wild dogs. The girls all squeal, some jumping into the arms of their boyfriends, others eyeing players up and down as they make their way to the drinks. I join them in the kitchen for another drink, trying my best not to ram into them as they clamor around the bowl.

“You’re Elijah’s stepsister, right?” a player asks. I turn around to look at him, my cup half full.

“Yes,stepsister,” I argue.

“That’s what I said,” he laughs. “I think that’s enough.” He grabs my drink and takes it for himself.

“Dude, that’s mine.”

“Kiss me and I’ll let you have it,” he says with a smirk on his stubbly face.

“Fuck, I don’t care,” I say, leaning up to kiss him, taking the cup from his hand at the same time. Ugh. I wipe my mouth. He tastes like cheap booze and weed. A perfect combination for a hockey player. Say what you want about Elijah, he’d never do that sort of thing and mess up his future.

I meet Olive and Stephanie on the dance floor with the drink I won back. When the song stops, I see everyone at the party staring at me, their phones in hand. Some are pointing and laughing. Others are looking at me with disappointment. I feel nauseous.

A hand claps me on the back. It’s the guy who tried to take my drink. He shows me his phone. “This you?” he asks. I look at his phone and see the fake picture of me cheating on Jared in San Jose. I rip his phone from his hand.

“How did you get this?” I yell. Everyone in the room is staring at me like I’m a bloody and battered prom queen.

“Fuck, if I knew about this earlier, I would’ve asked for more than a kiss.” He slaps my ass.

“Jackass!” Olive yells and slaps him across the face. Stephanie rushes over to me and shields me from the judging stares. Tears well in my eyes. I can barely walk, but Stephanie guides me to the front yard, her arm around my waist. All I hear is expletives spilling from Olive’s mouth as Stephanie closes the door behind us, leaving Olive to the sharks.

The tears spill over until I’m sobbing into my hands. “Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie.” Stephanie kneels in front of me and rubs my arms. “Don’t listen to those assholes. You are wonderful. We’ll get to the bottom of this, okay?”

She stands up and I hug her, burying my head in her neck. “I didn’t do it,” I tell her. “I’m not a cheater.”

“Honey, I believe you. I got the text, too. It’s from Elijah. He must’ve sent it to everyone.”

I lift my head from her neck, feeling the rage well within me. “I’m going home.”

“Let me walk with you. You’re drunk, Taylor.”

“No, I need you here defending my honor. This is my business.” I pat her arm and wipe away the tears. “It’s only a block from here, I’ll be fine.”

“Text me when you get there, okay?”

“Okay,” I say, stumbling down the hilled driveway to the sidewalk. After thirty minutes, I manage to find my way back to my driveway. The night air is freezing against my bare arms. I’m welcomed by a warm gust of air in the foyer. I spare no second running up to Elijah’s room and flinging open the door.

Elijah sits at the edge of his bed with his headset on, eyes focused on his TV. I walk over to the outlet and rip the plug from the wall.

“What the fuck?” Elijah says, throwing his headset on the ground.
