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I rub the back of my head. “Thank you, man, really. I can barely remember what happened.”

“You were stumbling around outside two houses down from the party. It took me forever to find you. They were all doing drugs, too. Did you do drugs, Elijah? You know you can get expelled and kicked from the Royals, right?”

“No, Levi, I didn’t do drugs. Intentionally. The fucking drinks were laced with MDMA.”

“You better hope we don’t have any drug tests anytime soon.”

I groan, flopping back in the bed. “I’m done with Sam. I’m never talking to her again.”

Levi chuckles and fixes his shaggy hair. “About time. Do you really have a ten-inch dick?”



“Never go back to that house. Do you understand me, Taylor?” Elijah says, his hands stiff on the steering wheel. He talks like a disapproving dad.

“What is your deal? Seriously.” I cross my legs and look out the window at the cracking and pothole-ridden roads.

“Sam and Elizabeth are bad news, okay?” he says, his voice monotone. I can’t help but wonder how he knows the girls who live in Northwood Heights. I can’t help but curse the universe for forcing me their way.

“Did you used to date Sam?” I ask. I can’t picture Elijah with her, like at all. Where he’s all egoistic and jock, she’s alternative, grunge, and a total asshat. Well, I guess they do havethatin common.

“Yes. No. Not really.”

“But you hooked up,” I say, looking at him.

He turns to face me briefly, his neck stiff, his jaw clenched. “Yes,” he utters. “It was a mistake.” A mistake to have sex with a babe? Wow, she must have been horrible.

“I think we all know I’m no stranger to making mistakes with the wrong people, too,” I say, thinking of Derek and Jared.

“No shit,” he mutters, and I can’t help but laugh. He joins in until we are both hysterical. Or maybe just delirious. Of all people to know about the Derek incident, it’s not ideal that it’s Sam. But she hasn’t said anything since. It’s nice to laugh with Elijah, not to have everything be so serious all the damn time.

He’s heartbreakingly attractive when he laughs, too. There's something about seeing his dark side ease and the light overcome him that turns me on. Knowing there is still the boy from high school beneath the tough demeanor and shadowy tattoos.

When we get home, my car is already parked in the street. We walk in and Dad is standing in the kitchen on his phone. Shit. I thought he’d be at work still. Elijah makes a dash for the stairs. I walk into the kitchen, knowing full well I am about to get my second scolding of the day.

“Dad—” I start, hoping he will interrupt me and say,everything is okay, I’ll pay for it!

“Taylor—” He raises a bushy eyebrow and leans against the counter.

“I’m sorry,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck like a guilty person.

He sighs like a typical dad. “It’s okay, as long as you’re okay. We’ll have to hire a mechanic to come out and look at it.”

“I’ll get a job. I’ll pay you back.”

“You don’t have to pay me back, but you do have to get a job.” He scratches the peppered stubble on his chin as he walks around the kitchen island.

“Elijah doesn’t have a job,” I say, immediately cringing at myself.

“He has free tuition, Tay. So, we’re not paying for his college like yours.”

Fuck, how childish am I right now? “Of course, sorry. I mean—thank you, Dad. I’ll start looking right away.”

“I heard the coffee shop down the street is hiring. You could check that out.”

“Okay, will do, Dad!” I say, walking out of the kitchen and to my room.
