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“Everything okay?” I ask. Stephanie and Olive stand behind me, shuffling their feet.

“Yeah, no, yeah, of course.” He looks over his shoulder again. “I know Halloween is coming up. We usually throw a party here, and I want you know you have my full permission.”

“Seriously?” I ask, dumbfounded.

“It’s tradition. You don’t have to invite the old skin bags that usually come but have fun with your new friends. It’s important to me. Just make sure the house looks good when we get back, K?”

“Yes!” Stephanie squeals. “Taylor's dad, you are the best.”

“Thank you, Dad.” I grab his forearm, giving it a squeeze.

“Okay, enough dad talk, go do what you’re going to do.”

The three of us rush up to the theater room, giggling as we go. I fucking love Halloween. I snatch King from his terrarium and have him join us for some classic slasher movies that Stephanie proclaims are the best in the genre.

They snuggle up in a loveseat under a blanket while I hold onto King in the row behind them in case they get too handsy for my taste.

I wonder how Elijah is going to feel knowing Dad gave me permission to throw a party. It sounds like something he would normally be all over. Perhaps I should let him know and have him invite the team. Having a bunch of hot hockey players at the party may be enticing enough for everyone to choose here for their Halloween plans. Tomorrow, I’ll have to run this by with Olive and Stephanie, make fliers, and make it a whole thing. Maybe matching costumes. How did I forget Halloween was so close?

This rich neighborhood hasn’t shown much excitement for the holiday, unlike in the area where I grew up. Maybe they think it’ll ruin their home value. I have to remind myself never to get that boring. With the whole Derek thing, car troubles, and picture of me from San Jose, I simply have not had enough time to focus on things I actually enjoy. Like Korean food. And Halloween. And my sweet yellow python.

I fall asleep with King wrapped around my arm and wake up with Olive and Stephanie passed out on the seat. Before I go to bed for the evening, I carry King back to his terrarium, feeling grateful for my new friends and for my dad.



Iget up early to start my shift at Sacred Grounds, deciding it's a nice day to walk. Saturday mornings in the neighborhood are always so quiet and peaceful. I'll pass an occasional mom and fussy baby, but other than that, it is pure tranquility. My sneakers kick up dewy, fall leaves that flutter back onto the ground. I'm careful not to step on them as I'm prone to slipping, especially at this downhill incline.

At the bottom of the hill, I can already see Eve putting up decorations outside the quaint shop. She stands on a ladder, fixing a hanging ghost from the old-timey lamp posted in front of the glass and brick storefront. I breeze past her with a wave, hoping she won't ask me to help. The goose bumps on my arms are literally starting to hurt from the wind.

“Get the machines up and going, Taylor. Oh, and, good morning,” she huffs, clearly out of breath. I'm impressed with how high up she is, given her curvy short stature.

“Good morning, Eve,” I say, feeling oddly chipper despite my less than adequate sleep. I decided the easy thing to do is just let Olive and Stephanie sleep in. Knowing them, they'll still be asleep when my shift is over at eleven.

I prepare the coffee and clean the countertops from the day before. I've never met the other girl they hired; she works the later shifts after Eve leaves. But what I do know is that she's terrible at closing. I make myself and Eve a latte and swirl it with the new flavor that came in last week, easing into the cliché that is pumpkin spice. But hell, I like it. Eve’s descending the wobbly ladder when I step out with her latte, admiring how the ghosts look like they’re flying around as the breeze goes by.

“Nice work,” I say. I'm just glad I found the one place in town that isn't smothered in St. Paul Royals decor. Just tacky.

Within a few minutes of me switching the closed sign to open, the first customers come trickling in. I've noticed a pattern between the early birds and their coffee orders compared to the late arrivals. The early birds like their coffee bitter, black, straight to the point. Whereas the late arrivals like the fun drinks: the frappes and the pumpkin spice. Those are more my people.

Eve walks in, noticing the line increasing and helps me prep coffee as I take orders. The next girl in line orders an americano with a splash of oat milk. Now they’re getting crazy.

I don’t notice through the business that Dad and Elijah are standing on the opposite side of the counter. Dad stands with his hands on his hips, as he does, and Elijah stands awkwardly with his hands in the pockets of his black hoodie. The pair look like yin and yang, the devil and the angel. I'm not sure I've ever just seen those two out and about together. Is this something they do when I'm not around? Maybe he really is the favorite.

“Dad,” I say with a smile, quietly enough so Eve can't hear from the back. “What can I get you two?” I grind my teeth. I bet this was Elijah's idea, for me to literally cater to him.

“Pumpkin spice latte with cinnamon sprinkles for me,” Dad says cheerfully.

I write it down on the screen and type incinnamon sprinkles.

“You, Elijah?” I ask, trying my best to sound pleasant as Eve walks behind me.

“Americano, light ice, two pumps of hazelnut, extra cream, double whip.”

I glare at him as I write down all his modifications. He's smiling now. Dad gets out his credit card and hands it to me. I give myself a tip on the screen, not showing them there's an option. Elijah turns around to the pretty brunette standing behind him and says: “I highly recommend it.” The brunette blushes and fixes her hair, obviously having heard his whole order. Now I don’t know if I’m pissed at him or the fucking girl who comes up next and orders the same thing.

Eve hands Elijah and Dad their drinks before they move to sit in the back corner at a small table sipping their coffee, watching me work. An hour later, they both get up and leave, waving obnoxiously as they go. Eve switches with me and takes the counter while I work the coffee and back for the rest of the busy shift. By the time I'm done, half of the week’s pumpkin spice bottle is empty. I make a note to order more before heading out to the sidewalk to begin my ascent home.
