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“You’re such a bitch.”

I take a step toward him, and the alcohol in his system has him staggering back.

“Clever! I’ll just add that to my list of names. Bitch, whore,Cromwell.” I know he hates that I share the same last name as his mom, which is why I love it, and seeing him grow angrier by the second has me smiling again “Well, if that’s all then, I’ll be heading off to bed. Nice catching up, though. Honestly, it was really great.”

It’s been a week since Elijah called me a bitch. It’s been a week since he’s dared to stay in my presence for longer than thirty seconds. All because I stood up for myself. Not only that, but I’ve settled into my room quite nicely, proving that not evenhecan mess this up for me. I’ve added LED light strips along the ceiling, a few posters, and other classic dorm room shenanigans. If there’s one thing I’m going to do here, it’s fit in and act like a goddamn normal college student. A normal college student who lives in a mansion with her stepbrother/ex-fuck buddy. The finer details don’t matter, though. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

After exploring some of the campus and buying myself a few Environmental Science textbooks with Dad’s credit card at the bookstore, I go home and make sure to leave Dad’s card on the counter. I’m grateful he kept my college savings account, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to afford tuition without a hefty loan. I drop my books off in my room before running downstairs to the kitchen freezer, pulling out King’s frozen mice.

I cringe as I hear Elijah walk into the kitchen behind me, just as I’m placing the mice on a sheet of paper towel. Instead of cowering, I turn to face him directly, vowing that I won’t be bullied in my own home. He’s wearing his St. Paul Royals hockey jersey and gray sweats. His hair is wet, probably fresh from the shower, and,God, I hate how attractive he is. It’s actually infuriating.

“Glad to see you’re eating,” he says, casting a look at King’s dinner while pulling a glass down from the cabinet

I close the freezer door and walk past him. “Ohh, I eat mice because I’m a fucking snake, right?” He turns and looks down at me, his expression priceless.

“And just because we’re headed in the same direction, that doesn’t mean we’ll be carpooling in shit. I’ve got hockey practice in the morning, anyway.”

I raise my eyebrows. “I’ve got my own car. Remember, asshole?”

He chuckles to himself. “That piece of shit is one curb away from being totaled, so good luck.”

I spin to face him, light in my eyes like I’ve just had an epiphany. “Know what? Maybe I’ll have your mom buy me a new one. Something red, so your blood just blends right in after I steamroll your ass.”

He stares be down as I exit the kitchen with a loud laugh before heading back upstairs to feed King. Tomorrow will be a new day. New people, new classes, new everything. I like routine, and assure myself that I’ll settle into one in no time. That includes making friends with like-minded people in my Environmental Science courses. Although science majors tend to be nerds, they’re usually nice. Whatever the case, they’ll be better than dealing with Elijah.



On the drive to school, I’m careful to avoid any bumps or curbs. As much as I hate to admit it, Elijah was right. My car has seen better days; but what it lacks in glamor, it makes up for in craftsmanship. At least, I think it does. When I pull up, I’m shocked by how little parking there is on campus, and Ialsorealize that trying to find a parking spot is going to make me late. So, I settle for the space from the building where my first class is being held.

With three minutes to spare before class starts, I haul ass across the expansive lot to the next one and through campus, my heavy backpack swinging across my body as I go. When I reach the classroom, after double checking the directions, I’m nearly ten minutes late. To my dismay, the class is packed full, and the professor has already started. She hands me the syllabus as I find the last seat left in the room in the far back, throwing my bag on the table and rummaging for my laptop and textbook.

The professor starts up again, and I take a deep breath. Not a fantastic start, but I’ll make up for it with good grades. I turn to my seatmate, a cute guy with thick, blond hair.

“I’m Derek,” he whispers under the voice of our professor.

“Taylor,” I say with a smile.

“Environmental Science major?”

“Yep, first class junior year. How about you?” I whisper, settling my things on the desk.

“Same here, parking is a shitshow, huh? I’ve been going here for two years, so I know the best spots.”

“You’ll definitely have to show me,” I laugh and look at the syllabus in front of me.Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Environmental Science.

An hour later and I already have homework due the next day. Derek walks me to my next class and, along the way, I learn that he’s actually pretty funny and maybe even a little sweet. We exchange numbers. For studying purposes, he assures me. After my next class, I find a spot to get some food at the cafeteria, wondering where Elijah might be, and if he maybe breaks for lunch around this time, too.

I grab a burrito from a food truck outside and sit on one of the outdoor benches. The sun is a welcoming friend as it rises to its peak in the cloudy sky. I’m dreading Minnesota winter, though, now that California has spoiled me. A pack of hockey players walk past me, but luckily Elijah isn’t in the mix. They’re all total bros, rocking their jerseys and eating pizza.

As I bury my nose in my two syllabi, a shadow appears across my table. It’s Levi and there’s a goofy grin spread across his face. A face that’s kind of hard to be mad at.

I close the packet of papers in my hand. “Hey, Levi.”

“What’re you doing all alone, girl?” He slides into the seat across from me, and flings his light backpack on the table.
