Page 48 of His Queen

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"How long?" I ask as I get into the car.

"Thirty minutes. Until we are in the air. Three hours until we land."

I rush to him and grab my phone from him. I can hear her sobbing on the other line.

"Rose. Baby. I am so sorry. I will find you. I am going to get you out of there. I will kill anyone who gets in my way. You just hold on and stay safe."

She is sobbing so hard I can't understand anything she's saying. I can hear the terror in her voice. "I'm coming and Rose. I love you too. From the first minute, I saw you at the bar."

"Please Vlad," she sobs. "I'm so scared. I … I don’t think I can take another beating without breaking."

"I am coming for you. I will never leave your side again. You will be safe. I love you, Rose. We are heading for the plane. Stay on the phone with me as long as we can. Move somewhere else in the cave. Try to get some rest if you can. I will be there soon."

"I love you too, Vlad. Please hurry." I hear her take a sharp breath. "I think he is here." She whispers

"Who Rose who do you think is there?"

"Sal." I hear her start to sob. "He found me. Hurry, please."

I hear the phone being sat down and a struggle. Then I hear her scream and then nothing. It's so quiet I hear it as someone walks back to the phone.

"I have no idea who this is. But she is mine now. Forget you know her. Now I have a punishment to deal out for this insolence."

I look at Demetrius when he ends the call.

"Salvatore just found her. Drive faster, goddamn it."

He nods and we speed down the road. Every emotion I know goes through me. Fear, love, anger, panic, and an overwhelming rage deep in my core.

I glance at my hands and notice dried blood on my palms from gripping them tightly. I look back up at Demetrius. He looks at me and I see the anger in his eyes. He looks like he wants to kill someone. I have only ever seen him this angry once, and that’s when we saved Luna from Viktor. He doesn't say anything as we board the plane and it takes off.

I sit there and stare out the window. I know I won't be able to breathe until she is in my arms again. I hear her voice in my mind. I etched her words into my mind. I will never forget them. I will never let her go. She will survive until I get there. She has to.

"Ok so I just got word we can't land on the island, so we will have to land on the closest one with an area large enough for the plane and then take a speedboat to the far side of the island." Anton rolls out a map and shows us the route.

"Is there no faster way? I need to get there. He has her."

"We could take a helicopter, but then he would hear us coming. I know this isn’t the fastest way, but it is the safest. If he hears us coming, who knows what he will do to her?"

I run my fingers through my hair. "Anton, he has her out there playing hunger games, but getting caught means being raped." I grit out.

"I am sorry, Vlad, but there is nothing else we can do." Anton looks at me with sad eyes. “This is the fastest safest choice for her we have.”

"Fine," I say as I stand up and walk to the back of the plane.

I sit down in a chair and Demetrius sits next to me. He looks over at me and I can see the worry in his eyes.

"I know where you are, Vlad. I know nothing I say will make it better. But know. We will get her back and they will pay. Everyone will pay, even the Don."

I nod my head, and he pats me on the shoulder. I look down at my hands. They are shaking. I am terrified of losing her. I can't stop picturing her being raped by all those men as they flit through my head. I will kill them all. I want to rip their fucking heads off and then smile at them.

Three Hours Later

"Everyone,pleasefastenyourseat belts. We are on approach." The pilot’s voice comes over the speakers.

I sit there with my hands in fists and try to breathe. They will die. The whole mafia will burn. I don’t care who they are.

I jump up and run to the back of the plane. I need to see her. I need to know that she is ok. I check my guns and then recheck them. I will need more than this. I will need to blow everyone away. I need a machine gun. I don't give a fuck. They will be dead.
