Page 68 of His Queen

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"You, Vlad, I am yours. Only yours. My body belongs to you. My soul is yours."

"Your pleasure is mine. Only mine."

"Yes, oh god."

"Mine," he growls out.

"Vlad. Fuck. Vlad."

"That's right baby, come with me. Give me your orgasm. Take my come."

I can't think or breathe when I feel his cock pulse inside of me and it sets off my orgasm.

"Fuck. Vlad."

He grunts, slamming into me once more as we orgasm together as one. He continues to pump in and out of me, causing a second orgasm to slam through me. His kiss is full of love and possession. I feel him get hard again as he smiles.

"Round two."

"Yes. Round two."

Chapter 43


Twohourslater,wefinally got out of bed. Our shower wasn’t very productive because the moment we stepped in, I pinned her against the wall and lifted her leg. I couldn’t resist having her again. She constantly leaves me wanting more, aching with desire. My love for her surpasses everything else in life. I feel compelled to show it repeatedly. Even now, as we get dressed, I can’t help but shower her with kisses and caresses. I want her to feel it just as strongly. It’s clear that she’s been radiating happiness and has been smiling since we left the shower. Her contagious smile brings me joy. I would go to any lengths to keep it there.

"Do you think they will agree to the plan we have?"

"I don't see why not. If Lena agrees to help. It would change everything."

"How do we do this?"

"Well … we need the support of the Bratva. Demetrius has already spoken of the discontent toward the Italians. We will bring him the information and offer him the choice. But we know what will happen. They won't accept his behavior or his ways. Once we have his backing, we will contact Lena and Aldo. Hopefully, he will see reason and help. It would be the best outcome. I can’t imagine he will say no."

“I worry what will happen if we go to a full-blown war on the streets. My father has become unhinged. His actions are so unpredictable, I can't even guess what he might be planning.”

"I understand that, but he needs to be dealt with. Either he steps down or we end it. This can't continue."

"I know and I am not saying I don't agree. I just want to make sure we think this through. We have to make sure that all the pieces are in place. That's all. I trust your judgment. I do, but we both know he won’t step down."

“Without a doubt, we do.”

I pull her to me and hug her. I know it has to be hard. Plotting the demise of a parent can't be easy; even if he has caused her a ton of pain.

"My sweet Rose. It's going to be okay. We will figure it out. For now, let's get through the meeting. Demetrius will be back soon."

I don't know what we are going to do if he doesn't agree with this course of action. We need to decide soon. Time is running out and there is a lot at stake. But I trust my brother. He is a smart man and has been at this far longer than I have. I am a planner, but he is like a war general, always two steps ahead. He will see the wisdom in what Rose is saying.

"I hope so. I hope we can get through all of this without a ton of bloodshed."

"So do I, my love. So do I. I have never wanted this. But your father has left us no choice."

"I know. If he had just left us alone. None of this would have happened." I can hear the sadness in her voice and it makes me want to slap the Don hoping he will realize exactly what he has done to her.

But I know that's not how it works. He will never understand, and I honestly don’t believe he cares at all.

"I will die before I let him hurt you again."
