Page 9 of Dark Devils

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“Fuck,” Samuel’s expletive is almost drowned out by Madeline’s screams.

“Shut up,” I fist the hair at the back of her head, but she continues to scream until I shove her face back beneath the water of the pool.

Her hands now free, she trashes hard, making waves in the previously still water.

“What the fuck is going on out here?” Liz yells as she strides onto the patio tiles surrounding the pool, just in time to watch me push Madeline’s lifeless body into the water.

The others are only a few steps behind her, and Cameryn immediately screams at the sight of the dead woman in the grass and the other in the pool.

Stepping behind her, Will swiftly wraps his arms around her throat and breaks her neck with the precision of a man who has had ample practice. When he lets go, her body crumples at his feet.

He steps toward Paisley, who is eerily silent, fully prepared to eliminate her as an issue as well. He pauses when Edmund steps between the two of them.

“You don’t need to worry about her,” Edmund’s voice is firm. “Do they, sweetheart?”

Her eyes wide, she vigorously shakes her head as Edmund continues, “I’ll ensure she never says a fucking word about this.”

“Maybe I should have been clearer earlier,” Liz huffs, “I meant don’t fucking kill any of them.”

* * *

We’ve all always been deviant fucks, but that one night a year ago changed everything.

Using our collective skills and resources, we disposed of each of their bodies and removed every last digital trail of them.

No one cares when a ghost disappears.

Except maybe those that knew them.

Learning just how far we could go, the five of us have continued to test our limits in Adelaide Cove. Pushing the boundaries of our carnal urges, we’ve all delved further into the darkness inside of us.

As Charles Baudelaire once said, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing world he didn’t exist,”

That’s fucking bullshit.

The greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing the world there was only one of him.
