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Jiya entered her sister Raashi’s home the next evening, a huge smile on her face and gift bags in her hands. She’d returned to her own home late the previous night and had slept till late in the morning. She’d woken up, organized for her maids to cook and clean up the house, and did some grocery shopping before heading to her sister’s place.

Cheerful toddler sounds floated from the dining room, and she went straight there, leaving the gift bags in the living room. The scene that greeted her was one of perfect happiness.

Her nephew Jash was seated in a blue-colored high chair, his mom feeding him, while next to her, Sameer was feeding their twin daughter Jhalak, who was seated in a matching pink-colored high chair. The kids were both talking excitedly, showing something to their parents. While Jash was holding a little red Ferrari car in his hand, Jhalak had a similar one in black, which she was trying to run all over her dad’s face.

Sameer chuckled, wiping the food from her chin with a napkin.

Every single time Jiya saw Raashi with her family, it made her chest expand with delight. Raashi had found her fairy tale, and Jiya was so happy for her. Sameer was just great. He perfectly balanced Raashi, and what was most important was that he made her sister smile. He’d always made her smile. Seeing the two of them with their kids was a joy beyond any.

She and Raashi had lost their parents in a car crash at a very young age. She’d only been seven then, and Raashi, thirteen. Even though they’d been brought up by their paternal grandmother, Raashi had taken over the role of a parent to Jiya. Six years later, their grandmother, too, had passed. Ever since then, Raashi had brought her up while struggling to make their restaurant business a success. Slowly and steadily, Raashi’s hard work had paid off, and by the time Jiya was ready for college, Raashi had saved enough money to send Jiya to New York to study. Her sister had done so much for her. However, from the time Jiya returned to India, they didn’t see eye to eye on almost anything. And she hated it. She hated being at odds with her sister.

But Raashi was always mothering her, pushing her to do things she believed were right for her. And Jiya, as usual, wanted to lead her life on her own terms. Nonetheless, their differences aside, Jiya adored her sister. She was her rock, her support system, her everything, and even though at times Raashi could be very bossy and inflexible when it came to her, Jiya knew her sister loved her a lot.

“Hi, my babies,” Jiya chirped, walking closer to the homey scene.

Everyone looked at her, and the kids let out happy squeals.

“Jee! Jee!” the kids said in unison.

She kissed each of them noisily on their cheeks and foreheads, allowing them to wrap their grubby hands around her neck and rub their cheeks to hers.

“Aww, I missed you too, my babies,” she chirped.

Oh. She loved these two kids so much.

“Jiya, you’re back early!” Raashi exclaimed, taking a wet wipe and wiping Jiya’s food-stained cheeks before she pulled her in a hug.

“Is everything okay?” Raashi asked. “You were to return after three days. What happened? Did something go wrong?”

“Sweetheart,” Sameer said softly. “Allow her to breathe. Let her sit at least.”

Jiya went to him, gave him a hug, and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Sameer.”

He smiled at her and whispered, “I got your back. You know it.”

“I heard that,” Raashi grumbled. “He’s always taking your side, Jiya.”

Ignoring his wife’s rant, Sameer pretended to be busy with his little girl instead. But Raashi was right; Sameer had perfected the art of playing peacekeeper when Raashi got too controlling with Jiya. Raashi’s protectiveness and concern came from a good place, but it was smothering at times.

“Let me feed this boy,” Jiya offered, sitting next to Raashi. “You go do something you’ve been wanting to.”

Smiling, Raashi handed her the spoon. “I’ll get changed and return shortly.”

“Are you having guests?” Jiya asked, feeding a spoonful of mashed rice and veggies to Jash.

“Yes,” Sameer replied as Raashi left the room. “My grandfather is coming for dinner, as are Rhea and Nirvaan. Shauna will be home from work any time now.”

Shauna had been working in Sehgal’s media business since a while, and she loved her job. Sameer had a sibling between him and the twins, his brother Rishi, who’d recently married his childhood sweetheart, Mehak.

“Where are your parents?” Jiya asked. “And what about Rishi and Mehak?”

“They’re all in Dubai visiting Sheena.”

Jiya smiled. Apart from being Sameer’s first cousin, Sheena was also Raashi and Keya’s best friend. Sheena’s elder brother, Kabier, was married to Keya. It was so lovely how the best friends were both married into Sheena’s family.

Sameer wiped his daughter’s face and lifted her from the high chair. Immediately, a maid rushed to him, but he brushed her away and took his daughter to the washroom to clean her up. Jiya did the same with Jash before they headed to the living room.
