Page 107 of Playing By her Rules

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Jiya looked into the face of the man she loved. His dark grey eyes sparkled as they rested on her.

She sighed, thinking of the short story she’d written for herself when she’d been thirteen.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a career she loved, and then one day, after years of searching, she found her Prince Charming. Their kids would come one day, but for now, they lived happily in a perfect life they’d built together.

She’d found her fairy she’d always believed she would.

* * *

Janak Sehgal smiledas he watched Jiya feed cake to her husband. His old heart was at ease once again. His little ones were all getting settled one after the other. From the corner of his eye, he saw Rhea and Nirvaan with their newborn, Vayu. Those two looked delightfully happy. His eyes coasted the crowd of friends and family, resting on each of his grandchildren and their friends, all of them so precious. Sheena and Rajiv, Kabier and Keya, Sameer and Raashi, Rishi and Mehak. His heart swelled to see all of them.

Rishi and Mehak would be parents in a few months. They’d just announced their news a little time ago, and he couldn’t wait to welcome their little one into the fold of his family. And then, there were Rithwik and Aisha, Diya and Viraj, and Damien and Aaliya. Along with them was the whole crew of friends, an extended family actually, from Dubai—Shaurya and Myra, Vihaan and Tiya, Aaryan and Sanjana, and finally, Dev and Avantika. So many stories, all together, in one place. Each one special, in its own way.

His old eyes finally settled on his youngest grandchild—Shauna. Now that one was going to be tough. There was so much she didn’t know and so much he couldn’t tell her yet. He focused on Akash, the man he’d chosen for her. That boy was so special. He was sharp, brilliant, and so generous of heart. Now, if only Shauna would see him in the same light. He breathed out. With her, one could never tell. She was always doing the unexpected. But these two definitely needed more time. It was too soon for them. Too much was yet to evolve and come out in the open. After that…well, after that, he hoped for the best.

“Everything worked out brilliantly,” Varun Bali said, interrupting his musings.

“My heart is so full today. Rohan is finally happy,” Tara added from her husband’s side. “I’ve waited for this day for years, and we have to thank you for this. Now both my boys are settled.”

“Rohan and Jiya are perfect for one another.” Janak smiled.

Varun chuckled. “I think everything we did for them worked out, starting from that text you sent me telling me to encourage the dinner plan. After Rohan mentioned where he was going for dinner, I ensured we went to the same restaurant he was going to be at. I was so surprised to see Kanika with him.”

Janak smiled. “You hinting that Tara and you expected him to marry her at one time was icing on the cake. Pure genius…”

“I think that triggered everything nicely,” Tara said.

“It sure did,” Varun agreed.

“When Varun and I saw Jiya and Rohan interact at Rhea’s wedding, we’d known then and there that they were right for one another,” Janak said.

Tara nodded, her eyes misting as she watched the newly-weds. “She was the only one who could pull him out of his darkness, and she has. For that, I will forever be grateful to her.”

The three of them watched Rohan and Jiya interact with their friends.

“Nothing gives me more joy than to see all these children happy and stable. They are a good bunch,” Janak said.

Janak could see how the others in Rithwik’s group had welcomed Rohan into their midst. Those friendships and close ties would definitely be good for him.

“You three look satisfied,” a new voice said, “But I think my worries have only just begun.”

The three of them turned and welcomed Mamta Wahi in their midst. She tipped her head in her son Aditya’s direction. “That boy looks besotted with Kanika. I met her earlier, and I know it in my gut that she’s not the one for him. She’s just out to have a good time, but he needs stability.”

Varun, Tara, and Mamta had been friends since years, just like Rithwik and Aditya.

In the distance, Janak could see Aditya standing to the side, chatting with Kanika. He watched them for a bit. Hmm! Aditya definitely looked interested in her. But besotted, no. Not yet, at least.

Janak had met Kanika during that dinner long ago with Varun, Jiya, and Akash. Rohan had been out with her that night, and he’d brought her over to introduce them. In some way, Kanika had been the catalyst in getting Jiya and Rohan together. But now, she’d set her sights on Aditya.

He scratched his jaw, thinking. In his mind, he’d expected Aditya to fall for someone else. Aditya was a good man. He was a devoted son, a dedicated businessman, and a great friend. He was also too energetic, too much on the move, a party animal, a playboy, and a workaholic to the core. Janak searched the crowd, and his eyes fell on Aisha’s sister-in-law, Sabrina, who was catering the reception today. Now her…she could have been the one for Aditya.

However, despite being acquainted, the two of them had never really interacted much. At least, that’s what he’d gleaned via the subtle conversations he’d had with the others in their common group. Well, perhaps this was one instance where his matchmaking radar was all wrong.

His eyes widened as he watched Aditya approach Sabrina. They spoke for a while. Aditya left, and Sabrina stared after him with a smile on her face.

Well, well, well. Maybe his matchmaking radar was still working fine.

As usual, only time would tell.

