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“Not really. Rithwik faced this with his own PA. I’ve learned to be more careful after that.”

She nodded then, digesting his words.

“Have you moved into the house already?” He changed the subject.

“I have.”

“I hope everything was in order.”

“It was. Thank you.”

Their conversation was stilted and formal. He disliked it, but he had to keep it this way and maintain a distance from this woman. He didn’t need distractions in his life, andshehad the potential to become a huge one if he allowed it.

She studied him for a long moment before she said, “Rohan, why did you offer me this job?”

He narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have faith in your capabilities?”

“Oh, I know I am capable. I can and will do a great job in your company.”

“Then I don’t see where the problem is.”

She lifted her jaw. “Okay, I’ll just say it and get it over with. Did you give me this job because it would annoy my sister? And please, let’s be honest with one another.”

Fuck. She was daring and direct as usual…something he truly liked about her.

“What if I say yes?” he replied.

“Then it will just confirm my suspicions. See, I’ve thought long and hard about our interaction in London, and I finally concluded this must’ve been the reason for your impulsive offer.”

He leaned back in his chair. “You took this job knowing that I may have offered it to you in order to irk your sisterandKeya?”

Her eyes widened. “At least you’re honest. I’ll give you that.”

“Lying is a waste of time and energy.”

“That’s true. Anyway,” she continued, “You may have recommended my name to your team for that purpose, but I went through a gruelling round of interviews. This showed me that you hadn’t pressurized anyone into hiring me, which meant there wasn’t any deviousness involved on your part. That’s why I accepted the job. I will not, however, be used as a sacrificial lamb in this battle you obviously have on going with my sisterandKeya, since God only knows when.”

He arched a brow. “I think I won the battle the second you realized my intentions and still decided to come here.”

She leveled him with a look. “This is not a contest, Rohan. I don’t know what your problem is with them, and frankly, I don’t quite care at this point. I just want to do a good job and move forward in my career. I’ve researched you and Fortuna Finance, and in a short span of a few years, you’ve managed to create a multimillion-dollar investment portfolio for your clients in India and abroad, and you are making millions for yourself in the process. Forbes has predicted that FF is going to be a global leader in providing financial services to the world in the next few years, and I want a seat at that table when you, sorrywe, actually achieve that milestone.”

His lips tipped. Not only was she confident, she was intelligent as well.

She continued, “The minute I walked into your office meant that your bitterness with the two most important women in my life stays out of my sphere. I’m here to do a job and not fuel your feud with them. So, are you on the same page as I am?”

“Absolutely,” he said. “Now, if you’re done negotiating with your boss, then maybe, we can get to the real reason why I hired you.”

Her brow marred, and the crease deepened when he handed her a pen drive.

“What I’m about to tell you is very confidential and stays between you and me.”

She nodded, still looking confused.

He continued. “This drive contains the financial statements of Fortuna Industries for the last fifteen years before my dad split it between Rithwik and me, and then for the last few years since I’ve taken over Fortuna Pharma, the stud farm, and now Fortuna Finance. I need you to have a look at everything and tell me what you think. Especially have a look at all the donations we’ve been doing, and cross verify that the receiving organizations are in order.”

He handed her another pen drive—information he hadn’t even shared with his twin. “And these are the financial records of my birth parents, Vaibhav and Diksha Bali, for about ten years till their deaths. I want you to check if there is a pattern in there.”

Her eyes widened in understanding. “What do you think is going on? I assume you have figured something out and want me to confirm it.”
