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Akash’s entire countenance stiffened. “Thank you. I do hope I live up to all your expectations.”

Janak stared at Akash, not saying anything. Janak squeezed his arm and nodded. Akash gave him a grateful smile.

Jiya alternated her gaze between the two of them and at the odd nonverbal conversation going on between them. There was something afoot; she felt it in her bones. She just couldn’t put a finger on it yet.

Akash put an arm around her, distracting her. His face cleared, and his usual happy-go-lucky expression was back. From the corner of her eye, she noted Janak texting someone.

“What’s up, Jee?” Akash grinned. “You feeling less on edge now? You’ve been buzzing like a bee since morning, and I’ve been too busy to ask what’s going on.”

She scowled at him.

“Have you noticed how wired she is?” Akash asked Janak.

Janak chuckled, pocketing his phone. “How could I have not? We all know how restless she gets when she’s unable to come to terms with something.”

Akash raised his hand. “I need only one guess. I have a feeling I know exactly what orwhohas her in a tizzy.”

Her brows arched. Before she could respond to him, the door opened, and Rohan’s father walked in.

“What have I missed?” Varun Bali said with a huge smile. He looked at all of them, and then his eyes brightened in recognition when they landed on Jiya. “Jiya, right? Janak speaks a lot about you. I’m afraid we’ve met only in passing before.”

Leaving Akash, she went to greet the man who was, in all aspects, her boss’s, boss’s boss. At his age, Varun Bali was fit as a fiddle and had a sharp mind.

“Hello, Sir.” She took his proffered hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Welcome to Fortuna. I hope you’re enjoying working with Rohan.”

“I am, and thank you.”

Varun Bali may have handed over the reins of his companies to both his sons, but he was still the Chairman of the Fortuna Group. His vision and unique strategizing were the reasons Fortuna was so immensely successful.

He turned to Akash. “And you’re Janak’s prodigy, Akash Karia, right?”

Akash nodded and, as was usual to him, leaned down and respectfully touched the older man’s feet.

“You’re a good boy as well!” Varun smiled. “I get why Janak is so proud of you.

Rohan has told me that you’re quite a fast learner and are already handling some major clients. I’m sure we will regret it when it’s time for you to leave us.”

Janak smiled, his eyes never leaving Akash. “This boy has a lot to learn before he’s back to working full time at Sehgal Media.”

Varun looked at all of them. “So, Janak, have you told them the plan? Shall we all do an early dinner together?”

“Are you both free to join us?” Janak asked.

Akash and she both accepted.

“Great,” Janak said. “I’ll get to spend time with both of you before I return to Mumbai later tonight.”

“Shall we ask Rohan as well?” Akash asked.

Her pulse thrummed in excitement. Good! At least that would be one way of facing him head-on and figuring out where they stood with each other.

Varun Bali flicked a hand dismissively. “Janak and I already told him the plan when we met with him earlier, and Rohan refused. Apparently, he’s got another commitment he can’t back out of. Let’s go ahead without him.”

Her hopes dashed and her excitement dimmed. Either Rohan was deliberately avoiding her, or he had a genuine reason for not joining his father and the rest of them for dinner. She returned to her cubicle with Akash to get her bag.

Tomorrow, she’d go and meet Rohan and clear the air. She was going to ensure they spoke of what had happened between them like adults and not simply brush it under the carpet. She wouldn’t be able to sit still until she had that talk with him and figured out how they’d proceed next. The plan of action was easily decided; now, if only she could gather the guts and actually do all that she had listed in her mind.
