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“First off, it wasn’t a mere kiss, like you’re making it to be; it was more. And second, you had the whole day to talk to me about it, yet you didn’t. Then you flaunt another woman in my face right after our intimate encounter. And not just any woman. Kanika. Really? And you expect me to talk to you about the kiss we shared? Not happening.”

She spun around, intending to leave in a huff, but he caught her elbow, turning her to face him.

“Excuse me,” His grey eyes darkened. “You, too, could’ve come any time during the day to talk to me, but you didn’t. So stop making a fuss now.”

That was actually true. She hadn’t taken the initiative to go and talk to him either. But he was the one out with Kanika, allowing her to feed him and link her hand with his. Where was the protocol here? Just a few hours before, he’d had his tongue in Jiya’s mouth, his hands lapping at her skin. And now, he was out with another woman, and looking at the two of them, it would be easy to imagine what was next on the menu for both of them. Her blood simmered thinking about Rohan and Kanika in an intimate situation.

She opened her mouth to say something nasty to him, but he put a finger on her lips. “I’m not done yet, Jiya. Me being out with another woman has nothing to do with you whatsoever. I can and will go out with whomever I want. Just because we kissed, maybe did a bit more, doesn’t mean I’m answerable to you. I’m not. That whole encounter between us was a mistake. It never should’ve happened. You and I are opposites. We’re like oil and water. We will never mix. Nothing more can or will ever happen between us. In fact, you’re not the type of woman I’d ever be attracted to. That kiss was just pure madness. It wasn’t even lust or desire. It was nothing.”

Had he just…? Did he just declare that he’d felt nothing when he’d kissed her? She could accept that perhaps he may not have been as affected as much as she was. It may not have mattered to him, as was clear to her. But the one thing she was certain of was that he had been aroused by her. At that moment, Rohanhaddesired her. And now, he was negating it and trivializing it to make her feel less! How dare he?

She slapped his hand away from her mouth. “Are you done insulting me?”

The second he opened his mouth, she slammed her palm over his lips.

“You’ve had your say, and now it’s my turn.” She shifted closer to him. He retreated a few steps.

“What type of a woman do you think I am?” she asked.

“What?” he said against her hand, looking surprised.

Her blood was steaming now. How dare he try and typecast her? She took another step forward. He immediately moved a step behind. His back hit the wall, and she advanced another step, invading his space. Now there was nowhere for him to go.

“You said that I wasn’t thetypeof woman you’d usually go for,” she said, her tone belying her underlying rage. “Whattypeis that, Rohan?”

He lowered her hand from his mouth gently. “Too feisty, too clever, too damn bold, and too damn vocal.”

“You say it like it’s an insult when it should be anything but. See, I have a theory.”

“You do? Why don’t you enlighten me?” he asked with a smirk.

“I swear if you adopt a mocking tone with me, Iwillhit you.”

His eyebrows shot up.

“I think,” she continued, unfazed by him, “that I am exactly the type of woman you’d be attracted to because only a woman like me can keep you on your toes. Can keep you guessing and can keep you wanting for more. Perhaps, that’s why, instead of focusing on yourdate,you’ve only been watching me. Hence, the only reason you kissed me yesterday was because you are attracted to me.”

“You do have an inflated opinion of yourself,” he mocked. “Too bad it isn’t true.”

His derisive tone was back. She hated it. She lifted her fist to punch him. He turned his head to the side, ready to take her hit, not even wanting to deflect her. It made her madder. So, instead of delivering the punch she ought to have, she opened her palm and caressed his cheek, grazing her nails down his skin.

His harsh intake of breath was further confirmation of her theory.

Her fingers played with the rough stubble on his cheeks. “Hmm, so when I touch you, you feel nothing?”

“I don’t feel anything at all,” he replied, still looking to the side.

She cupped his jaw, turning his head to face her. Her thumb skimmed over his lower lip. “I suppose you feel nothing when I do this.”

“I don’t.” His tone was harsh, his voice husky. All of it contradicted his words.

She moved her hand from his mouth to his chest. She could feel his heart running. Her own matched his rhythm.

“Why is your heart beating so fast then?” She spread her palm over his chest, caressing, stroking.

He caught her wrist, halting her ministrations. “Don’t do this, Jiya.”

“Why? It shouldn’t make a damn difference to you. After all, you’re not attracted to me, right?”
