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“He was born in front of me. He was so tiny then, and look at him now,” Rohan said, his voice filled with affection. “I’ve been personally seeing to his training since he was a young foal. Today is his first ever race.”

His love for the animal was visible to her. He genuinely cared about this horse.

Rohan faced her. “Give me your hand.”

Still staring at the horse, she put her hand in his. Rohan placed her hand flat on top of Xerxes’ muzzle, right between his eyes. She stroked the animal gently, carefully, so as not to spook him.

The horse took a step forward. She immediately backed a step and fell against Rohan’s chest. Rohan held her waist, steadying her. Her whole body exhaled in approval, enjoying this closeness with him.

“Hey, boy,” Rohan caught the horse’s nose band with his free hand. “She’s a friend. I think you will like her.”

Jiya put her hand back on Xerxes’ muzzle.

“Hello, handsome,” she cooed. “Your master says I should bet on you. What do you think? Should I?”

Xerxes neighed loudly as if in agreement with her. She grinned. The horse dropped his nose, leaning into her touch as if he’d known her forever. He was adorable.

“Here, let’s give him this,” Rohan said.

He removed a sugar cube from his pocket. Peeling it open, he dropped it in her palm. Lifting Jiya’s hand up to Xerxes’ nose, Rohan offered it to the horse. Xerxes immediately sniffed her hand and took the offered treat.

Rohan laughed loudly. Uninhibitedly. The sound was warm and full of delight. She liked it…a lot. In fact, she wanted to hear his laughter again and again. She looked to the side and watched him. His eyes sparkled brightly, and he looked free, free of that darkness she always felt he carried.

Ignoring them, Xerxes went to his water bucket and began to drink from it. Rohan still didn’t release her. Her back remained on his chest. His one hand lingered on her waist, and the other still clutched her hand as they watched the horse.

Xerxes’ caretaker entered with a brush and a saddle. Rohan released her and checked his watch.

“We have to return,” he told her. “He needs to be prepared for the race.”

Feeling bold, she walked up to his horse and patted the side of the animal’s face. “Go fly out there. I’ll be rooting for you.”

The horse neighed.

Rohan stared at her when she returned to him, looking impressed. “You’re so good with him.”

“I love animals, especially horses,” she said, smiling. “When I was little, my parents would take me every Saturday to Juhu Beach for a horse ride.”

The long-lost memory hit her brain. Her father lifting her up and putting her on the horse and walking side by side with her, refusing to let her out of his sight, while her mother stayed back with Raashi and bought her a colored ice lolly. Gosh! That had been so long ago. It was strange how certain memories hit one out of nowhere.

“Did you ever learn to ride?” Rohan asked, shutting the stall door behind him.

“At one time, I wanted to learn.” Her smile faded. “But then my parents died, and things were never the same again.”

“I’m so sorry, Jiya.”

She nodded. She was aware that he had faced the same tragedy as her, yet he didn’t bring up his past. Janak had told her that the only way she could have a future with him was if he opened up to her. Hence, she would patiently for him to do so.

They walked in silence for a few moments.

“My grandfather put me on a horse when I was five,” Rohan said. “I’ve been riding since then. But mind you, he didn’t make it easy for me. For years, I’ve brushed horses, helped mares give birth, mucked their stalls, carried pails of water and excrement, and learned everything there is to know about horses. They are a very important part of me.”

She’d heard how reclusive he was. How even his close ones didn’t know everything about him. And yet, here he was, giving her a small peek into his life. It was a rather sweet way to lighten her mood. She appreciated it and was grateful to him for doing so.

“It’s never too late,” he said. “You can still learn to ride.”

“Only if you promise to give me riding lessons.”

He stared at her for a long moment before he cupped her jaw. His thumb reached out and swiped across her bottom lip, over and over. He stared at her lips, his eyes darkening with need with every swipe of his thumb on her mouth. It fed her own desire.
