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“Are you staying with your mom and stepdad?” Rohan asked.

“Would they have it any other way?”

Rohan smiled. Nirvaan was one of the few people in the world he trusted and called a friend. They’d met a few years ago in Delhi through some common acquaintances, and by a strange stroke of luck, had hit it off immediately. Like him, Nirvaan, too, had been haunted by his past for far too long. They both had that darkness inside them, which the other understood very well and never judged.

Until recently, Nirvaan used to always stay with him whenever he visited Delhi. But now, after Nirvaan had fallen in love with Rhea, he’d patched up with his mom and stepdad. In doing so, he looked far calmer and happier. Rohan was happy that his friend had finally found peace.


He doubted he’d ever find that for himself. His heart twinged, reminding him that perhaps he had found peace and happiness with Jiya. He shook himself out of those thoughts. Unlike Nirvaan, Rohan’s scars ran too deep. The darkness inside him was rooted into his soul. It rotted him till date. His anxiety was a case in point of that rot from his past that lingered.

Nirvaan and he chatted for a while. Akash joined them. He was already well acquainted with Nirvaan, thanks to their Sehgal connection, and so the three of them caught up together, chatting easily about work and their lives. But every now and then, Rohan found his eyes drifting back to Jiya. No matter how much he cursed himself for doing so, he tracked her movements continuously—where she was and who she was talking to. He simply couldn’t help it. His heart refused to take directions from his mind when it came to her.

From beside him, Nirvaan and Akash continued to talk while he studied her from afar. Oh, how he disliked that she’d removed the red from her hair! She was so vibrant, and the red had added to her vibe. It represented her. But now, her hair was bland. Like it represented a Jiya he didn’t know.

A man appeared behind her. He caught her shoulder. Jiya turned, and her whole face erupted into a huge smile. The man cupped her cheeks and lowered his mouth to hers, but just when his lips were about to touch hers, he smiled and tilted her face to kiss her cheek instead. Jiya laughed, and a hot dagger pierced through Rohan’s chest. He recognized the man a second before Nirvaan said, “Look, Aditya is here.”

Aditya Wahi, owner of the Gemini Group of Companies, was one of Rithwik’s closest friends. His presence here tonight wasn’t a surprise. Their mom invited most of Rithwik’s friends to her events. Over the years, several of them attended if they could.

Of course, Aditya and Jiya knew one another. Aditya was Raashi’s close friend as well. But tonight, he was behaving way too intimate with Jiya.

Aditya kept touching Jiya, flicking her nose, holding her arms as if he had all the right to. And she was letting him. Why? What in the world was going on?

His heart screamed in agony to see another man touch her so familiarly. Every cell in his body was raging at him to go and stake a claim on Jiya and pull her away from Aditya.

“What’s Aditya doing with Jiya?” Rohan asked as calmly as he could, while trying desperately to hide the tempest raging inside him, as Jiya continued to talk to Aditya.

Akash squinted at him. “Oh, they’re together now…sort of.”

Rohan’s whole body stiffened. “Sort of?”

“Yeah, I mean, they met in Dubai and hit it off instantly. He’s single and she’s single.” Akash shrugged. “I suppose they’re taking it one day at a time. They decided to meet tonight since your mom invites him every year for her auction.”

Rohan exhaled and loosened his grip on the glass he was holding.

“From what I heard recently from Rhea,” Nirvaan began, “was that you and Jiya were together for a while, and then you decided to break up. It sucked that I heard about this from my wife and not you.”

“Sorry,” Rohan apologized. “Jiya and I had decided not to tell anyone about us. And then, when everything ran its course, I felt there was no reason to talk about it. She, apparently, had no such qualms.”

“Not everyone,” Akash clarified. “After you broke her heart, she decided to confide in Janak. He’s always been able to give her direction. Janak told Shauna and Rhea. They are her closest friends, after all. Your parents know, and of course, Nirvaan. That’s it.”

“Breaking up with you was hard on her,” Akash continued. “Shauna and Rhea forced her to go with Shauna to Dubai, and I’m so glad she did. She’s changed since she returned. She’s stronger, bolder, and I guess a lot of that has to do with meetinghim.”

Rohan focused on Jiya again. She and Aditya were standing in front of a painting, looking cozy together. Aditya tugged on a strand of her hair, and anger shot through Rohan. He tried to control his temper but failed.

This was what he’d wanted, he reminded himself. He’d wanted her to be with someone who’d keep her happy. Maybe, Aditya could be that someone for her. But the more he watched Jiya and him together, the more his heart protested. His anger multiplied and flared.

Jiya said something to Aditya, and he scribbled on the clipboard in front of the same painting, the one with the lion and the lioness. They returned to where Shauna was waiting before Aditya left them to go meet Rohan’s parents.

The two girls moved in the direction of where Rohan was standing with the other two men. On reaching them, both the girls greeted Nirvaan with a warm hug. Jiya hugged Akash as well, but Shauna ignored him.

“Hi, Rohan,” Shauna said. “Your mom’s outdone herself. I’d attended this event last year with Janak, but this year it’s bigger and more spectacular.”

“I believe we also have to thank Rhea for that,” Jiya appreciated. “The artwork is all chosen by her, right Nirvaan?”

“Yes.” Nirvaan’s face tipped in a proud smile. He settled his black frames over his nose.

“You know, Nirvaan,” Jiya began. “Rhea’s made us promise to look after you and ensure you’re having a good time tonight.”
