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Finishing her drink, she looked at the man who had been the reason for her smiles lately. Aditya Wahi!

He’d been her sister’s friend for years. Jiya had known him for far too long. He was fun to be with. It was, however, only in Dubai that she’d seen him as a man—an attractive one at that. With his sharp jawline, hair swept back, and that devastating smile, he could be any woman’s dream guy.

She sighed. She and Shauna were quite striking when they’d stepped out together in Dubai, and they’d been hit on by so many men. But none had held her attention. Only Aditya had managed to snag her interest. They’d bumped into him while partying in Dubai. He was funny, naughty, talkative, loved people, liked to party, and knew how to have a good time. In short, he was everything Rohan was not.

Perhaps she needed someone like Aditya. Now only if her heart could come to terms with such a thing. Rohan’s presence lingered in her heart and mind. While she presented an easy-going, happy front in front of him, only she knew how hard that was. He’d rejected her twice now. However, that didn’t mean she’d cry and be miserable in front of him. She was a fighter. She was tough, and she’d stand up to him.

Rohan needed to see that she’d moved on, that she was happy in her life without him. Going to Dubai for a short break had helped her clear her mind. She’d realized what she really wanted in life was to be happy, and hence she’d do that. She’d do whatever it took to gain back her happiness.

Aditya touched her arm. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

He sat down beside her and called for another mimosa for her. “You do know that I will have to tell your sister about us at some point. We can’t keep her in the dark forever.”

She smiled. “This is new for me too. I need some more time to confide in her.”

He squeezed her hand. “Whenever you’re ready then.”

He really was a nice person. He didn’t push… A prickle ran down her nape, stopping her line of thought. She rubbed her hand to it. But it wouldn’t go away. She scanned through the crowd and was surprised to findhim. Rohan was at the bar, his dark eyes fixed on her. She barely noticed that Nirvaan was beside him, so intent she was on Rohan. Her heart tripped as it always did when he was around. And he was looking so fabulous tonight in the perfectly tailored black suit that fitted his well-toned body, the crisp white shirt, red tie, his perfectly styled hair, and the dark stubble lining his jaw.

Aditya squeezed her hand once more. “He’s here.”

She faced him. “I know.”

“For someone who vehemently didn’t want to be with you, Rohan definitely doesn’t look like he’s over you.”

Of course, she’d told Aditya everything. Honesty had been her mantra for far too long. The only time she’d veered off it was because of Rohan. But she was never doing that again. Hence, she’d been absolutely honest with Aditya. It was only fair he knew what she felt about Rohan before he agreed to do this with her. Aditya was her chance to make her world right again. To be happy again. A waiter placed her drink in front of her. Seeing Rohan watching her made butterflies dance in her stomach. She took a large gulp of her drink.

“Well, he’s insisted several times that he is over me. I honestly don’t know what he’s doing here.”

“Hmm, what do you say, Jiya?” Aditya checked. “Shall we show him how his loss could be another man’s gain?”

She patted his cheek. “You’re sweet.”

“Ugh, no guy wants to hear he’s sweet. Sexy, handsome, and hot…those three words are way better.”

She chuckled. “You are all that and more.”

He tugged a strand of her hair. “Let’s give him a front-row seat to what you and I have going on.”

Her skin tingled. She looked to the side, and Rohan’s eyes were still fixed on her. He wasn’t even trying to hide that he was watching her so intently. Jiya finished her drink and called for another one.

“Shall we call him over?” Aditya asked.

Jiya raised her head and looked at Rohan. She beckoned him with a hand.

Rohan said something to Nirvaan, and the two of them weaved their way through the crowd and reached her table.

“Hey guys,” Aditya said. “Why don’t you join us?”

Rohan took a seat directly opposite Aditya and her, staring at them. Shauna and Akash also joined them, and the rest of them quickly got engrossed in conversation. They were all connected in one way or the other, and hence the camaraderie between everyone was easy, except for Rohan, who remained silent and hardly contributed to anything. Each time she looked at him, she found his eyes on her. He kept watching her in his deep, intense way. She wondered why. What did he want? What was he thinking?

Aditya put a hand on her thigh while continuing to converse with Nirvaan. He gave her a quick glance and a smile. She smiled back. It was amazing how comfortable she was with him. When she looked up, Rohan’s eyes had hardened, his expression tighter than before. Her temper rose. Why the hell did he look like he was one second away from breaking Aditya’s hand? It was none of his business what she did and with whom. He was the one who’d let her go without a good reason, and now she was free to do as she wished. Then why was he glaring at her?

A woman approached their table. Kanika?! What the fuck was she doing here? Now she really wanted to hit Rohan for calling her here. In front of her, Kanika was greeting everyone. Rohan rose to acknowledge her, and she gave Jiya a cheeky wave before kissing his cheek.

Jiya’s blood was simmering now. Of all the women he’d decided to flaunt, it had to be her. Her. Not that Jiya was in a position to comment. She was, after all, out with another man too. But she hated seeing that other woman with Rohan. She barely heard what was being spoken in front of her. She only watched as Rohan introduced Kanika to Aditya. Jiya noted the exact moment Kanika realized who Aditya was. Immediately, she took a seat next to him. First Rohan and now Aditya. That woman really wanted to hold the attention of every important businessman she came across. So disgusting.
