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He and Rithwik, together, were a force to reckon with. The couple looked at one another in dismay, and then at Rohan.

Rohan chuckled. “Vaibhav’s dead, and I doubt anyone will be interested to know he had an affair while he was married. That news will barely last ten seconds. Rithwik and I rule the business world in India. We can, and will, spin a story of you blackmailing Vaibhav before he died and falsifying the pictures.”

“Your news on Vaibhav will be a blip and soon be forgotten,” Rithwik added.

“You, however,” Rohan continued, “will never be able to show your faces in Delhi again. We will ensure it.”

“You’re not like your father,” Pavan said. “He would have done anything to prevent a scandal.”

Rohan lifted his jaw. “You’re wrong. I’m exactly like my dad. And he’s standing right here next to me. I am proud to call myself Varun and Tara’s son. They are my parents, and I’m proud to be their son. And they taught me to fight for myself and for those I love.”

His mom beamed at him, while his dad looked relieved, like a weight had been lifted off him. It struck him what a disservice he’d done to them by living in the past and not letting them in. But now, he would.

“We won’t let you get away with this,” Pavan raised his voice. Immediately, people around them started staring at them.

“We will ruin your family’s name and prestige,” Nandini added loudly.

More people turned in their direction. His parents began to look uncomfortable as the couple kept ranting aloud while Rithwik continued to retaliate.

Rohan moved to the side and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He called Sameer Sehgal, the owner of the Sehgal Group of Hotels. Sameer was Rithwik’s friend, and Rohan had never called any of his brother’s friends before for any help whatsoever…until now. Sameer answered on the first ring.

“Sameer, it’s Rohan, Rohan Bali,” Rohan said when the other man answered.

“Are my ears playing games with me?” Sameer asked, sounding surprised. “Or have you dialed my number by mistake?”

“I need a favor,” Rohan said. “I’m sorry I don’t have time to explain, but I’m at Sehgal Plaza in Delhi in the Indian restaurant here, and I need two people escorted out by your security.”

Sameer was silent for a minute. “It’s done, Rohan. I’ve texted the GM. The security should be arriving any moment.”

Rohan saw a suited man entering the restaurant with two security guards. At that moment, he was so thankful to his brother’s friend for having his back, even though Rohan and he weren’t friends. Sameer hadn’t even asked him for details. He’d simply trusted that Rohan wouldn’t have asked this of him unless it was important.

“Thanks, Sameer,” Rohan said. “I owe you one.”

“This was nothing.”

Rohan disconnected the line as the men approached him.

“This couple here are creating a nuisance and bothering my parents,” Rohan informed the GM.

“They will be escorted out, Mr. Bali,” the GM said. “Mr. Sehgal has also ensured they will never be allowed inside our premises again.”

The security pointed forward with their hands, and the couple began to move in that direction, continuing to seethe and shout.

“One second,” Rohan said. “If you do leak Vaibhav’s scandalous pictures and clips to the media, then I will sue you for blackmail and harassment. I will ensure you return every penny you siphoned off from him over the years. The courts will take time, but justice will be served eventually. I have the money and the means to wait to see your end. And it will come one day. But in the meanwhile, I will make your life a living hell. This is not an empty threat. It is a promise.”

The hotel security took the couple away, and Rohan felt like a weight had been lifted off him.

“Youcalled Sameer?” Rithwik asked, sounding surprised.

Rohan nodded.

“Oh God. This is too much shock for one night,” Rithwik said.

“Let’s go home,” Tara declared. “I just want to be with my family right now.”

His father addressed him. “Will you tell us everything?”

“There are many things you don’t know. And yes, I’d like to tell you everything,” Rohan sighed.
