Page 31 of Temptation

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“Well then, are you coming or not?” Rajiv queried. She looked up and found his lips tipped in that familiar smirk.

Grudgingly, she opened the door and climbed inside the passenger seat next to him, relaying her address to him. He took off immediately, expertly weaving his way through the traffic.

They sat in silence for a while. Him looking in the front, and her playing with the strap of her purse.

“Why did…” she began.

“How was…” he asked at the same time.

He chuckled, giving her a quick glance. “You first.”

“No, you ask first.”

He stopped at a signal and looked at her. “How was your first day at work?”

She smiled. “Unexpected, to be honest.”


“Today was my first time working in a formal office, and it was…nice,” she realized she meant that word. It was nice, and she had enjoyed herself. “Well, I mean except for that…for that one incident…you know.”

He nodded. The signal turned green, and he took off. Once again, he remained silent, not asking her the obvious questions she expected him to. Which was so very strange. It was impossible for anyone not to be curious. After all, he had heard enough about her past twice now. Yet, he didn’t ask her anything at all. And now she was curious as to why he wasn’t curious. If it were her, she would have already been on Google, trying to learn more about him. Perhaps, he’d already done that and made up his mind about her. Or perhaps, he wasn’t interested enough in her to care about her past. She felt a twinge in her chest at that insight. But she ignored that sensation.

Maybe that was just it—he wasn’t interested in her. That’s why he’d been able to dismiss their kiss so easily, while she…she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. Not only was she angry at him for making light of that kiss, she was angry with herself for being unable to dismiss it as easily as he had. And that’s why she hadn’t spoken to him in the elevator this morning.

But none of her anger had helped her, not today, and definitely not over the weekend. For two whole days, she’d tried so damn hard to not relive the time she’d spent in his arms or his kisses or his possessive touch or the way he’d come to her rescue. She’d tried and failed.

Her mom had kept her busy enough. They’d spent time buying things for her house, going out for lunches and dinners and even window shopping at the mall. Yet, none of that had been able to erase that yearning he’d awakened inside her.

That damn yearning! It made her skin tingle, her heart pound, and her breath stutter, even when she was far away from him. But every single time she was near him, every emotion intensified. Like now and in the lift earlier. She simply couldn’t come to terms with why she felt this way around him, of all people. God. She didn’t even like him. Most of the time, she was mad at him.

Yet, he’d come to her rescue again when he really didn’t have to. And now she was so damn confused about him. Rajiv Mehra may act arrogant and self-absorbed, but underneath all that, he possibly was a good person, and maybe she had misjudged him.

“Thank you,” she said in a quiet voice.

His eyes flared in shock. Then, the corner of his lips lifted. “What are you thanking me for, Princess?”

“You know why.”

“I’ll need you to be more specific,” he teased.

Her anger sparked. “Do you always have to make things hard?”

“No, but it is super fun riling you up.”

“I don’t like you, you know,” she grumbled.

“Really? Not even a teeny-tiny bit?” The car stopped at another signal. He turned to face her.

She rolled her eyes.

He leaned closer to her and shifted a strand of her hair off her face. His hand lingered on her cheek. Fire leapt beneath her skin at his touch. She stared at him. He was looking at his hand as if he, too, was surprised at what he was doing. Very slowly, his hand curled into a fist, and he shifted it to the steering wheel. She felt the loss of his touch immediately. God. What was wrong with her?

He looked straight ahead as he spoke. “Princess, you never need to thank me for coming to your help, ever.”

Her heart melted at his words. Before she could say anything, her stomach gave a loud, noisy, hungry rumble.

His eyes jerked to her belly and then back to her. Shit! This was so bloody embarrassing.
