Page 35 of Temptation

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Nearly a week had passed since their first dinner together. Thanks to that one night, Sheena and he had developed an easy friendship. They’d just finished work a little while ago. It was a Thursday night, and instead of going out for dinner like they did every night, Sheena had chosen to go to the mall. Ugh.

“It’s boring.” He made a face. “You know, I don’t remember the last time I ever went to the mall.”

“Seriously?” She rolled her eyes. “You live in Dubai. Everyone goes to a mall for something or the other.”

“Not me.”

He still sounded like a grouch. But he couldn’t help it. Going to the mall was such a waste of time. He’d rather be sitting somewhere with her, having a drink, chatting with her, looking at her expressive face as she spoke. That was so much better. A car honked behind him. Shit. What was wrong with him? He did not, absolutely not, stare at her when she was talking. That was foolish. Downright insane. And who did that? Not him, for sure.

“Why not you?” she asked. “Why don’t you go to the mall?”

“I have a personal shopper for all my shopping needs and an assistant who will get me anything I want. If nothing else, there is something known as online shopping.”

“You rich men and your rich men solutions to your problems,” she scoffed.

He threw her a sideways glance. “You know, that’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Last I heard, you come from an equally rich family.”

“Well, at least I shop for myself.” She pointed to the black trousers she was wearing. “I only have two trousers. I didn’t know I’d be working daily, you know. I’m running out of office wear clothes. I need to shop.”

“Take one of my sisters along. They’d be delighted to shop with you.”

He knew his sisters were in touch with her. In his own small way, he’d been encouraging them to get to know her so she wasn’t all alone here, and she had some female company, especially since he was aware of how much she missed her own friends.

She laughed. “Alright. I’ll ask Ananya. She’s been after me to go out with her every day. I’ll plan with her.”

“Thank God. Can we go somewhere else now?”

“Okay, if you really don’t want to go shopping, then I have another idea.”

“Anything else, please.”

She chuckled, tapping on her phone. “There’s a fun fair happening in Downtown Dubai. Let’s go to that.”

He gaped at her for a second before looking back at the road. “You want to go to a fun fair?! Are you, like, seven?”

“Now you sound like my brother. Ugh.” She shook her head. “I’m twenty-seven, and no one said there’s an age limit to go to a fun fair. Look,” she held her phone aloft for him to see, “the map shows it’s in the same direction as the mall. Oh, let’s do the fun fair!”


“Because it will be super fun. Because I used to love going to fun fairs as a kid and because I’m bored of our usual dinners.”

He gave her a pointed look. “No.”

She blew out a breath. “Don’t be difficult. It will be fun.”

Something came to his mind, and he grinned. “Okay, I’ll take you there…”

Her eyes brightened. “Oh great…”

“…if you say please.”

Her expression darkened, and her cheeks flushed red, exactly the way he’d expected. “You really do behave like an asshole at times.”

“Those curse words coming from your mouth are so annoying.”

She pouted. “Youare annoying.”

“Why does saying please hurt your ego so much?”
