Page 49 of Temptation

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That smile broke all his resistance and threw out every single thought from his head. All that remained was her. Perfectly beautiful and stunning. And he wanted her. He wanted to claim every inch of her. And finally, he was going to do that. Holding her arms, he tipped her down on the sofa and climbed over her. His mouth lay siege on hers, claiming, taking, accepting everything she was offering him. She melted under him, allowing him to play with her lips and tongue, exactly how he wanted.

She scrambled to get his t-shirt off, and he helped her, pulling it off his head. They both moaned when he returned to her skin on skin. She was soft, where he was hard. Her curves fit perfectly to his form.

She kissed his cheek, and her mouth slid to the side of his throat. She sucked him there, hard.

“This is where I nicked you that night, right?” she asked against his skin. She sucked at that spot again. “God, I’ve been wanting to do this since then.”

She continued feasting on his neck, making him lose his mind. His body hardened under her ministrations. His breathing turned ragged. His control was on the verge of shattering.

She wrapped her legs around his hips, positioning him such that his erection was nestled against her core. He pressed into her and was rewarded with a needy moan. She dropped her head back on the sofa. He took that as an opportunity to snatch control back from her. He kissed her lips before allowing his mouth to wander down her body, her throat and across her shoulders.

His mouth skated lower, down the curve of her breast, deep within her cleavage and up again, roaming at leisure. Sheena writhed beneath him, her body rocking against his. His mouth latched on to her nipple, sucking, licking, drawing circles around her tips, every whimper from her throat encouraging him. His teeth scraped against her tip, and she shook.

His hands travelled down her waist, dipping into the band of her yoga pants. His eyes widened, and a smile coursed his mouth to find her bare. He rolled them off of her. His hand caressed her belly before it dipped lower and lower until he found her core. Raw need spiked in his veins when he found her wet and soaking for him. Two fingers dipped inside her tight heat. More sounds escaped from her lips. Her breathing fractured; tiny beads of sweat dampened her skin. His mouth clamped onto her breast again as his fingers worked inside her, faster now. Her head thrashed from side to side, while her body continued to arch into his hand.

His fingers curved, hitting a spot at the same time he bit her nipple. Sheena screamed, her body dissolving around him. Her eyes opened a few moments later, and she stared at him for a second before her lips curved into the most stunning smile.

“That was…so good,” she said. “I want a repeat.”

He laughed and shifted off of her. There was no way he was having sex with her for the first time on a sofa. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her to her room, placing her gently on the bed. She snuggled into the covers, yawning, her eyes shutting. He watched her for a moment. She looked tired. There were so many things he needed to do to her, but he needed her awake and alert when he did those to her. Tonight, she’d already been through a lot. Sharing her past and reliving it while she told him about it must have been hard on her, and hence, tonight, whatever they’d shared was enough for him.

He kissed her forehead. Just when he was about to leave, she caught his hand.

“Stay,” she said. “Don’t go. I just want to sleep a bit, and then we’re going to have wild, passionate sex, and you’re going to blow my mind once again.”

He chuckled. She was so damn adorable.

“Come on, climb in.” She slid further down the bed. “Hold me for a bit.”

How could he say no to her when she asked like this? What harm could come of just holding her in his arms when that was exactly what he wanted to do, too? Without another thought, he climbed in beside her and held her close, her back to his chest. Her tangerine scent calmed him, steadying his heart rate before he fell asleep.

A sliver of sunlight fell over his eyes, waking him up. He blinked, looking around the unfamiliar room. Images from the previous night hit his brain, reminding him of where he was and whom he was with. He was in Sheena’s bed, her very warm and very naked body burrowed against his, her head on his chest, her hair on his face, his arms holding her close as if he couldn’t let her go. His own body was hard and ready as if waiting to stake a claim on her and continue where they’d left off the previous night.

Happiness bubbled inside him. He gave a contented sigh. This was how he wanted to wake up every single morning for the rest of his life. He stilled. Reality hit him, taking away his joy. He cursed himself. What the fuck was he doing? He couldn’t give her forever. Forever was not in their destiny. God. He’d been such a fool. Last night, he’d done things to her that he shouldn’t have. He’d crossed a line that he shouldn’t have. He rubbed a weary hand down his face. There were a number of things he never should have done with her. But he had allowed his fascination with her to rule his mind and disintegrate his control for way too long. What a fool he was.

In the past, he’d always prided himself on his ironclad control. Nothing and no one had been able to get past his control ever. Except her. Where she was concerned, he just didn’t seem to think at all. He followed where his heart led. He knew, without a doubt, that had she not been tired and was functioning in her full senses, then he’d have made love to her. Fuck. He slid out of bed, his gaze lingering on Sheena’s sleeping form. Her hand reached out as if searching for him. His heart, that very annoying organ, clenched in pain. He tucked a pillow under her arm. She brought it closer to her chest, cuddling into it. In that moment, watching her and being unable to leave her, he accepted what he’d been trying his hardest to deny. He was in love with her. Utterly and irrevocably.

Last night, she had told him that she was falling for him. However, he’d fallen for her a long time ago. That was the only reason why he wanted to spend all his time with her. That was the single reason why he couldn’t stop thinking about her. That was why he loved to see her smile, to see her mad, and to see the joy on her face when she was with him. That was probably the only reason why he couldn’t ever say no to her for anything.

He should have never crossed the line with her. He should have stayed the fuck away from her. But he hadn’t. And now, he knew the taste of her skin, the sounds she made when she was in the throes of pleasure, and how her body felt entangled with his.

Knowing he had committed himself to another should have made him regret touching Sheena the way he had. But the only thing he regretted was that he couldn’t give Sheena more. And she deserved everything. She deserved someone free of burdens to be with her, to live with her, and to laugh with her. Pressure compressed his chest. To his utter bad luck, he was not going to be that lucky guy. He had promised himself a long time ago to do right by another, and he wasn’t the one to break a promise. And so, despite his heart rejecting the thought, he had to let Sheena go. It was the only way to protect her and himself from more pain.

Dressing quickly, he let himself out of her house.

And her life.


“Hey, Princess. I have some urgent meetings coming up in Europe. I’ll be gone for a few weeks.”

One month had passed since he’d left her house early in the morning with this abrupt message on her phone. Thirty days of no phone calls and no messages between them.

She’d woken up that morning hoping to find him in her bed, but she’d been so disappointed that he had left without even saying bye. She’d never spoken of her past with anyone, but with Rajiv, it had felt imperative to do so, especially since she had finally accepted that she was falling for him. He was the first man she had allowed to get close to her, to touch her, to see her naked body, and so she couldn’t believe that he had simply left without even talking to her about what had transpired between them. More importantly, he hadn’t even addressed her admission that she was falling for him.

She’d tried calling him as soon as she’d read his message, but he hadn’t answered, nor had he returned her call. And that had hurt. While in the past, she had never hesitated to text him, at that moment, she couldn’t put in words what exactly she wanted to tell him.

She had shared a huge part of herself, both physical and emotional, with him, and that was important for her. But his absence and lack of communication made her question everything. What if what they’d shared hadn’t meant anything to him? What ifshewasn’t important to him?
