Page 52 of Temptation

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“I have some gossip,” Navya rubbed her hands.

“Well. Get on with it,” Ananya pressed, putting some more salsa sauce on her plate.

“Well, today, I was styling one of those Russian models, Ivanya Luchenka. She was getting ready to go to a party. One guess as to whose yacht she was going to be partying at?”

Ananya’s spoon stilled on the plate. Her entire demeanour froze. Reina’s eyes went wide. Sheena looked at them boggled. What was going on?

Navya continued. “Yep. Mihir Oshnov is having a party aboard his yacht.”

“Um, what am I missing here?” Sheena asked, looking from Ananya to Navya, who was also watching her sister carefully.

Reina made a face. “Ananya has a thing for Mihir Oshnov.”

Ananya glared at her. “I do not. I’ve been trying to get an interview with him for years, and he refuses me every time.”

“Because you have a thing for him,” Reina said.

“At one time, I did. Not anymore,” Ananya insisted. “Getting an interview with him would be a huge game changer for me. He doesn’t give interviews and is super exclusive. Every media house has tried to get him to talk to them, but no one has succeeded.”

Sheena wiped her lips with a napkin. “Who the hell is Mihir Oshnov?”

“Umm...just the most dangerous man on the planet, I think,” Navya said. “And she needs to stay away from him, but she is obsessed with him.”

Sheena’s eyes widened. She stared at Ananya, who was busy looking at her plate.

“Okay, can one of you elaborate?” Sheena asked.

Reina placed her glass on the table. “Mihir, Armaan, and Vedant Oshnov. Originally from India, they had been friends since childhood and had a very poor upbringing, until they were adopted by Alexander Oshnov, the late Russian oligarch and owner of O-Corp. How and why that happened, no one knows. Rumor has it that Alexander Oshnov had the ear of the who’s who in his country, and now his adopted sons are the most powerful men in Russia, not to mention the rest of the world.”

“They own oil wells, diamond mines, and energy pipelines,” Navya continued. “You think we are rich. Babe, our families’ combined wealth would be a blip to the Oshnovs. These men are known to be ruthless and unforgiving. They destroy anyone who dares to comes in their path, and they do it without a single regret. Until recently, they lived in Russia, and now, they’ve suddenly moved to Dubai.”

“Nice…” Sheena commented dryly. She was not even remotely impressed. She’d met rich men aplenty and had attended their parties as well. In the end, they were all the same, stubborn, ill-mannered, arrogant, and didn’t know how to treat a woman. Case in point, Rajiv Mehra. Ugh. Why was she even thinking of him?

She took a bite of the taco she’d finally finished rolling. “This is yum.”

Navya ignored her and continued, “Ivanya said their parties are super exclusive and legendary. She even invited me to go with her. Apparently, they like women at their events. The hotter the women are, the better.”

“I hope you declined,” Reina said.

“Of course,” Navya replied a tad bit too sweetly.

“I want to go to Mihir Oshnov’s party,” Ananya finally said, looking at Navya. “Get me in.”

“Oh God,” Reina pointed an accusing finger at Navya, “You knew she’d say that; that’s why you brought this up.”

“Please, she’s been obsessed with Mihir Oshnov since years,” Navya said. “I had to tell her, and maybe this way we can attend the party, she can see him, and then get him off her radar once and for all.”

Reina raised her hands in the air. “She will get into trouble.”

“It’s a party. No one is getting into any trouble,” Ananya said.

“Are you mad?” Reina said. “This spells disaster to me.”

“Um, no,” Ananya overruled.

Sheena addressed her. “Ananya, what’s going on? Why are you insisting on this? Please be honest.”

Ananya sighed. “There was a time when he meant…more. And then, he died…at least, that’s what I believed. Some years later, I found out he was alive. But I had no way of contacting him. Now, for some reason he’s in Dubai, and I still don’t know how to reach him. I’ve tried to get in touch via Poseidon for an interview, but he’s refused me every single time. I need to see him, just once.”
