Page 56 of Temptation

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“No thanks to you, da?” he scorned. “After all, you did try to kill me.”

Wait, what?! Sheena stared between the two of them, unable to believe what she was hearing. Fuck. This situation was way worse than she’d expected because Ananya wasn’t even denying his accusations. She was simply staring at him, in shock, or fear… Whatever it was, it wasn’t a good sign.

The man studied Ananya from head to toe.

“Tell me, Anna,” Mihir drawled, “Do you think I’d let you go so easily? You walked in of your own free will; now you will leave only with mine. Unfortunately for you, you got your friends involved, too. Now, all of you are my captives until I let you go. If I let you all go, that is.”

His words infuriated Sheena. Throwing caution to the wind, she took a step forward and placed herself in between Ananya and him. “Do you know who I am or who both of them are?”

“Of course, I know Navya—Ananya’s sister.” Mihir tilted his head to look at Sheena. “Sheena Sehgal, right? My men sent me pictures of you with Ananya.”

Sheena blinked. Fuck. This man had been following Ananya. But now was not the time to think of that.

She lifted her head boldly. “If you know who we are, then you know we’re not just anyone you can hold hostageat your will.”

“So bold. So feisty.” His hand reached forward to touch her cheek, and Ananya slapped it away before he could touch Sheena.

“What do you want, Mihir?” Ananya asked.

His gaze hardened. “You… I want revenge from you, and I will have it.”

He looked at the two men. “Take her friends upstairs. I need to have a chat with her alone.”

Mihir grabbed Ananya’s arm at the same time the two men neared Sheena and Navya. Navya backed a step, and the man followed. She exchanged a glance with Sheena. Sheena looked from her to Ananya, who was struggling to get out of Mihir’s hold and started opening the zip of her purse. The man in front of Sheena was a step away.

Sheena looked at Navya, then at Ananya and screamed, “NOW.”

Taking the pepper spray from her purse, Sheena sprayed it on the man in front of her. He yelled, clutching his face. She kneed him in the groin and he went down. She spun to Navya, who was kicking and scratching the man, trying to get hold of her. Grabbing a lamp from the side table, Sheena hit it on the man’s head.

Navya took her hand, and they spun toward Ananya. She was already running towards them. Without a glance back, the three of them ran down the side of the boat, with Ananya leading the way to the same place they’d entered from. There, they were nearly there.

Suddenly, strong arms grabbed her from behind and pulled her back. She screamed. Navya yelled at the same time. From ahead of them, Ananya halted at the first rung of the ladder.

“Go,” Sheena yelled at her, “Get help.”

She hesitated for a fraction of a second before Sheena yelled again. “You have to go, Ananya. It’s not us he wants. It’s you.”

The yacht engines roared to life. Ananya jumped and fell onto the marina just as the yacht took off. Driven by nothing but adrenaline, Sheena kicked and elbowed the man holding her, squirming to get him to drop her.

“Stop struggling, will you?” Mihir said in Sheena’s ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She elbowed him in the ribs. His hold on her tightened.

He held a gun to her head. “Now, will you calm down?”

Panic flared under her skin, and all the adrenaline dissipated, leaving her cold.

“Da, are we good now?” Mihir asked.

She slumped in defeat as Mihir dragged her back into the lounge room they’d crossed earlier and dumped her onto the sofa. She barely made out another tall man dragging Navya in. He had both his arms wrapped around Navya, preventing her from moving.

“What do we do with this one, brother?” the second man asked. He leaned forward and inhaled from the side of Navya’s throat and laughed. “I like her. Can I keep her?”

“Leave her alone, Armaan,” Mihir ordered. “Neither of them is whom I want. Unfortunately for them, the one I want got away.”

The man, Armaan, took his time releasing Navya. When she was finally free, Navya turned around and slapped him hard.

“Touch me again without my permission, and I will kill you,” Navya threatened. “Go on, try me.”
