Page 80 of Temptation

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She waited. But there was no reply from him.

“I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. I’m waiting for you to explain everything to me.”She needed answers; however, she wasn’t going to panic. She would speak to Rajiv and clear the air and all would be well.

She waited and waited, but he didn’t reply. She called him again, yet he didn’t answer. With every passing second of silence from him, her heart plummeted a bit further as doubt began to assail her. No. She wasn’t going to be negative.

She had to put her faith in him. She wasn’t going to simply doubt him again. She knew him. He wasn’t the type of man to cheat on her with another woman. That wasn’t him. There had to be an explanation from his side. She shut her laptop and stood, feeling confused and unsure.

Her phone pinged with messages from his sisters.

“Sheena, call us. Navya and I have been trying to call you.”Ananya’s text read.

“The magazine article is not what it looks like. Pls call.”Navya wrote.

Hope bloomed in her chest. Maybe there was an explanation to this whole mess. She was just about to call Navya when another message beeped on her phone, this time from an unknown number.

She pressed a hand to her mouth as she saw the picture that had been sent to her. Rajiv was embracing a woman. The picture was taken from afar, and she couldn’t make out if the woman was the same from the pictures she’d seen online. Her face wasn’t clearly visible, but her dark hair was the same as that of the model in the article. A message followed the image.

“Sending you a pin. Come see for yourself who he’s with.”

Her heart began to run.

“Who is this?”she typed back.

“You’ll thank me.”

The next message that came was a location pin. She opened her map app. The location pin pointed to a restaurant in a popular area. She chewed her lip. It seemed safe. Besides, if Rajiv was there, then she had to go there and get to the bottom of everything. Without another thought, Sheena quickly grabbed her handbag and ran out of the office. If this was her means to get answers from Rajiv, then she’d take it. She wanted to see first-hand who he was with. She wanted to question him face to face.

* * *

The locationpin brought her to a beach bar. Safe enough. She exhaled a relieved breath. The restaurant was crowded when she entered. The hostess informed her that there were no tables vacant, and hence, she took a seat at the bar. Her eyes darted through the crowd, but she couldn’t find Rajiv. She looked around the restaurant, feeling foolish. Who came to a random location received from an unknown text? How stupid was she? The bartender came to her, and she asked him for a chilled glass of water.

“Only water? No shots today?” A man came to stand on her right. He leaned against the bar, grinning at her. His hair tied in that distinctive man bun, the chaos in his eyes, that way too obvious sex appeal—all of it was easily recognizable.

Her brow furrowed. “You? Vi, right? What are you doing here?”

“This is my restaurant.”

Understanding dawned. “Oh my God. Did you send me the text?”

“Actually, he didn’t. I did.” Another man came to stand on her left. She recognized him instantly.

“You’re Rajiv’s friend from that night,” she remarked, “the one who didn’t give me his name.”

She frowned and alternated her gaze between the two men. “Oh God. There are two of you.”

“It’s calledtwins,” Vi intoned naughtily. “Although I’m the better looking one.”

His brother didn’t even react to his declaration. She looked at both of them. Although they looked the same, one of them looked naughty, and the other looked dangerous and somber.

She faced the one who looked too serious for his own good. “No wonder you looked familiar that night.”

He offered her his hand. “I’m Aaryan.”

She looked at his hand and then at him. “Why are you telling me now?”

“Because it is time you met us.”

“I’m Vihaan, by the way,” the naughty twin said. “And yes, we are Rajiv’s friends as well. His only friends.”
