Page 90 of Temptation

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“Raashi is with me, and we’re coming to pick you up,” Sheena told her. “We’re just a few blocks away, and with Raashi driving, I’d say ten minutes max.”

“Sheena, that’s not possible. Didn’t you hear me? I’m at a business dinner. I was already late for the meeting. I can’t possibly miss the dinner now.”

“Hang on, I’m putting you on speaker. Raashi, try to talk some sense into her please.”

“Hello, darling,” Raashi greeted Keya. “Come out with us tonight. I want to hear all about your time in Vienna.”

“Hey, Raashi! Tonight is impossible. My boss will kill me.”

“Keya, your boss reports to Janak, and remember, you are one of Janak’s Angels,” Raashi said. “No one can touch you as long as he’s around. So get out there and pull some rank, girl.”

“We need you with us now,” Sheena said. “Not taking no for an answer.”

Raashi stopped at a signal. At Keya’s silence, Sheena arched a brow at Raashi.

“Keeeeeeeya are you there?” Raashi checked.

“Yes, I’m here. At least tell me what the rush is about.”

“I don’t know,” Raashi scowled at Sheena. “Sheena is the one with some news, and she says she’ll tell us when we’re together. Sheena, come on! What’s up?”

“Well, I wanted to wait till Keya was with us, but since Keya is acting all pricey, I’ll tell you my news now. Perhaps that will convince her to come.” Sheena paused, her excitement building. The ring in her right hand was not something she could tell anyone about, not even her two best friends.

She looked at Raashi and lifted her left hand, showing her ring to Raashi. “Rajiv proposed to me last night, and I said yes.”

Raashi’s eyes popped. The signal turned green, and she moved the car forward.

“Oh my God, that is awesome!” Keya exclaimed.

Raashi beamed. “Super! This is the best news ever.”

“Sheena, you’ve made my day!” Keya whooped. “Oh, I can’t wait to meet you two. This is so exciting. When is the Big Day?”

“Hang on, Keya, there is one slight problem. Kabier doesn’t know yet, and Rajiv still has to meet him to formally take his permission.”

“Yes, but what’s the problem? Doesn’t Kabier know that you two are seeing one another?” Keya asked her.

“He does,” Sheena said, “but he doesn’t know it’s this serious. He considers Rajiv to be a rich playboy. In fact, Kabier has been warning me against certain heartbreak if I went in too deep with Rajiv. So, I’m a bit worried.”

“Have you told Janak?” Keya asked.

“I told him and Mom last night. They are thrilled. But you know I can’t do anything till Kabier approves. Frankly, I think he is going to throw a fit. And both Rajiv and Kabier are so important to me,” Sheena said, getting worried all over again.

There was no easy way she could explain the planted playboy image of Rajiv to her brother. She hadn’t even told her friends that it was an image created to keep the Rajpoots safe. It didn’t help matters that her brother was too distrustful of Rajiv and too protective of her. Nerves ate at her insides. Kabier had to agree. She didn’t want a war with her brother on this.

“Don’t worry, Sheena,” Keya said. “Kabier will come around. Rajiv is a darling, and it’s so obvious to everyone that he loves you very much. And the playboy lifestyle he had has been a thing of the past since he fell for you. I’m sure Kabier will accept him, and if he doesn’t, I will make it a personal quest to convince Kabier to accept.”

There was a rustling at Keya’s end.

“I have to go, girls. Call me when you get here,” Keya said, disconnecting the call.

Raashi pressed her hand on Sheena’s tight fist. “Don’t worry. It will work out fine.”

Sheena nodded.

Raashi held her hand and squealed at the ring. “So prettyyyyyyy! I love it.”

“Me too.”
