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Fine, because I want to fuck her?

Either way, I can’t lose the best assistant I’ve ever had because I’m too busy thinking with my dick.

“This is the longest I think I’ve ever seen you at a party,” I hear from next to me and when I turn my head, I find Julianne Tanner, the very young wife of the vice president of marketing who spends more time at these functions flirting and talking to everyone than with her husband. It hasn’t been confirmed that she cheated on him, but it’s surely been rumored.

“Mrs. Tanner.” I nod, already wanting to be away from her incessant flirting. “It’s lovely to see you, how are you?”

“Oh, you know.” She shrugs and takes a long sip of her drink before letting her gaze move unashamedly over me. Her teeth find her lower lip and I realize she’s had one too many drinks. It’s definitely time for me to go.

“Well, I should—”

“Wait,” she grabs my arm and I give her a look. I can’t exactly reprimand her for her behavior given that she doesn’t work for me, but I’ll only allow this nonsense to go so far. She removes her hand. “I want to ask you something…about my husband?”

I scan the room, looking for her husband when I meet Raegan’s eyes. Her eyes dart to the woman next to me and then back to me and I look down at Julianne who’s looking up at me and then back at Raegan.

So, she’s bothered by this.

I try to ignore the feeling that Raegan is a little jealous of my paying attention to another woman whom I’m sure she assumes is single and maybe available for me to pursue.

I’m vaguely aware that she’s started talking but my eyes are still on Raegan, who’s turned back to Liam though I’m grateful that it’s grown into a bigger circle so maybe he’s not convincing her to go home with him.

“Mrs. Tanner, if you’ll excuse me,” I say, without another word or even a glance in her direction as I move towards Raegan. Chris said I shouldn’t approach her, but it’s a group of at least six people from my team, all of whom will be in Miami next week.Nothing strange about that.

“How’s everyone enjoying themselves?” I ask as I approach them. Two of the women in the circle stare at me like they’re starstruck, Marissa does her best to hide her grin, and Liam gives me a look that I can’t quite read.Probably because I joined the circle between him and Raegan.

“It’s always a good time. You certainly know how to throw a party,” Liam says as he holds his drink up towards me. He looks around me towards Raegan, “Rae, you want to dance?”

She looks towards the dance floor and then back to him, completely avoiding my gaze.

“No,” she giggles. “I don’t think I’m drunk enough for that. Besides, I don’t really like to dance in front of people I don’t know.”

“Oh, come on. Weren’t you on Penn State’s dance team?” He laughs and I watch as the blush finds her cheeks again but I see the brief flash of annoyance cross her face that he doesn’t pick up on.Although, I am glad that he offered up that little anecdote because I did not know that. Just when I thought she couldn’t get any sexier.

“Oh God, Liam. Leave her be, you’re so annoying,” Marissa groans as she crosses the circle and grabs Raegan’s hand. “I have to go to the bathroom.” She pulls her away and I do my best not to follow her with my gaze. The other people in the circle walk away leaving Liam and me alone, and as much as I want to walk away, I figure I should at least engage in some small talk.

“Seems like Raegan has the same effect on everyone, huh?” He says and when I meet his gaze, I’m met with knowing eyes and a smug grin.


I’m grateful that Marissa is drunker than I am, so when we emerge from the bathroom and I happen to see Wes out of the corner of my eye in the lobby sliding on his coat, I can make up an excuse without her questioning it.

“My dad called, I’m just going to call him back,” I tell her and she nods.

“I’ll get you a drink!” She says before she walks back into the main room where the party is being held. Wes is already going through the revolving door so I don’t bother going to get my coat even though it’s fucking freezing out. I just hope that my liquor jacket will be enough for me to get him to wait. I push through the door and I’m grateful to find he’s waiting for his car, but I’m really fucking annoyed that it’s starting to snow and I’m wearing suede pumps.

I did not think this through.

“Wes!” I call and he spins around giving me first a surprised and then concerned look.

“Where is your coat?” He frowns, immediately pulling his off and wrapping it around me before I can protest. “It’s freezing out here.”

“You’re leaving?” I ask. My mind momentarily goes blank as his scent wraps around me. I resist the urge to put my nose to the lapel and take a deep breath.I’m also comforted by his instinctual need to protect me and it warms me more than the coat.

“Yeah, I’m usually gone by now. People don’t want to let loose with the big boss around. I like to give everyone space.”

“I see.” I purse my lips together. “You weren’t even going to say goodbye?” I look up at him and his blue eyes are piercing and gorgeous, highlighted by his glasses.

“I’m sorry, forgive me. I’ll see you on Monday.” He doesn’t make an effort to move and I realize it’s probably in part to do with me still having his coat.
