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“Wait.” I move to sit next to her and pull her into my lap so she’s facing me. Her cheeks are pink and she’s still trying to avoid my gaze so I hold her face steady.

“Can we turn the lights back off?”

“No. Honey, spanking and sex on a plane and calling me daddy in bed? What are you thinking? That you turned me off? Did you see how hard and fast I came?” I know she’s a bit naive but I want to tell her there’s an entire world of kinky things out there for us to try and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“Well, maybe not so much the first two…” She moves a little closer to me and I’m happy that she’s feeling more comfortable because I felt her discomfort in my veins and I didn’t like it. I wrap my arms around her and she snuggles into my neck. “I’ve never thought I would be into it and then Marissa said something in passing and I just haven’t been able to get it out of my head.”

I’m staring down at my phone reading an email when Raegan walks into the kitchen in a black dress that comes to just above her knees with a white blouse underneath it and black heels that I’m already picturing wrapped around my waist as I slip inside of her. She looks sexy as hell while still professional and I’m already annoyed at the thought of anyone hitting on her the second we get to Miami. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She beams before letting her eyes rove over me suggestively. My body responds to her instantly and I have to look away from her sexy blue eyes that already have the power to disarm me for a second. Otherwise, I’ll have us both naked and her underneath me.

“Don’t look at me like that, we don’t have time.”

“Like what?” Her eyes drop to my groin and she moves a little closer to me.

I take a step back. “Raegan,” I warn her and she bites down on her bottom lip just as she presses her body right up against mine and gently pulls my cup from my hand.

“Yes?” She tilts the mug towards her mouth and takes a sip without breaking our gaze and I’m instantly enthralled by her mouth and that tongue that glides across her bottom lip after she swallows.

“You’re being a tease.”

“Am I?” She sighs before she straightens my tie and drags her fingertips slowly down my chest. “You look nice.”

I clear my throat, trying to ignore the rising in my slacks but she’s pushing me. “Once we’re on the plane,” I say reluctantly through gritted teeth because those are absolutely not the words I want to be uttering. “We have to go. The car is outside.”

The ride to the airport is mostly quiet. As much as I wanted to spend it with her in my lap, I needed to answer some emails and call Chris, who was unfortunately now flying down tonight and seemed to want to join Raegan and me for dinner.Hard pass.

Even though we didn’t say much, she reached for my hand the second we got in the car and I didn’t let it go the entire ride. It felt natural and easy despite the mountain of complications we have between us.

When we arrive at the private airport I fly out of, we walk to the private jet, our hands still laced as one of our flight attendants rolls our suitcases behind us.We make it up the boarding stairs and I’m pleased to see all of the things I requested already in place. There is a bottle of champagne placed in a bucket, an array of breakfast foods laid out on the table along with a bouquet of red roses. There are two creamy beige seats facing front that recline and matching couches directly behind it that line the plane back to the master bedroom and bathroom where Raegan and I will be the second we get to twenty thousand feet. There’s also a dining area just before the bedroom with a television that currently has a fireplace ambiance displayed on the screen.

“Wow, this is incredible.” She turns around to face me. “Does everyone take this jet?” She narrows her eyes. “Seems a little intimate.”

“No, this is just for me or Chris when he wants to use it. TheBeckham Securitiesjet is the same size but without the master bedroom in the back. Give me one second; I’m just going to go talk to the pilot and the crew.” I pull her into my arms and place a kiss on her lips. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Oh, my God.My eyes take in every inch of this very luxurious private jet. I’ve been on private jets before but never likethis.This screams wealth and glamour and…sex. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said it felt too intimate for a company jet and I was glad to know he didn’t usually have multiple people in this flying aphrodisiac. The second I stepped on the plane, I wanted him.Is it too early for champagne?I let out a breath as my nerves that sometimes pop up when I’m preparing to fly start to creep into my senses. Coupled with my nerves regarding the man who is also slowly starting to creep into my heart, I think I need a drink even though the sun has barely started to rise.

I walk towards the room in the back of the plane and am stunned to see a full-sized bedroom complete with a king-sized bed, another television, a closet, and a small dresser. Straight ahead is a wall of glass where I spy a bathtub and a shower, so anyone in the bedroom could watch someone showering or taking a bath. I put my purse on the bed and sit down next to it, sliding my heels off and immediately spot two sets of slippers next to the bed. I slide them on and walk back into the main cabin to see Wes pouring a glass of champagne and I briefly wonder if I’d said that out loud.

“Hey.” He smiles and hands me a glass. “I was going to bring this to you. We are going to be taking off soon. They do like us to be seated before but once we are in the air we can go back there.” He nods, giving me a wicked smirk. “Did you see the bathroom?”

“Yes, so cool. This is definitely the nicest private jet I’ve ever been on.” I grab the glass of champagne and sit in the seat on one side of the aisle as he sits in the other. We are far enough apart that he can’t hold my hand and suddenly a wave of nerves hits me when I realize that I’ve never been on a plane let alone a private jet without my dad or my brother or my friends from college when we took trips for spring break. When I’ve flown on private jets before, it was usually when I was a kidwithout a care in the world,with the families of other players on my dad’s team or a few times with just my family, but this is very different. There’s only about six people on this plane and suddenly I feel like this plane is entirely too small. As gorgeous as it is, I am freakingnervous.

I down the rest of my champagne in one gulp and when I set it down on the table in front of me, it’s obvious my hand is shaking. “Hey,” I hear from next to me, “Raegan, what’s wrong, honey?”

I swallow, trying to keep the nerves from turning into tears and let out a deep breath. “I think I’m just a little nervous.”

“Oh shit.” I hear the hum of the plane and slowly feel us start to move. “Come here,” he says. I get up on somewhat shaky legs and before I even take a step, his hand has wrapped around my wrist and pulled me across the aisle into his lap. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that.”

“I’m not usually a nervous flier.” My voice shakes slightly. “But usually, I’m with my family or friends or…” I let out a breath. “A much bigger plane with more people.”

“We can fly commercial next time.” He presses a gentle kiss on my lips and I instantly hate myself for how I’m coming off.

“No, I’m sorry.” I press my hands to my forehead. “I didn’t mean it like that. This is gorgeous and I am in awe of all of this.”

“I get it. My parents refuse to get on my jet.” He chuckles. “But I promise, it’s safe and I hire the most competent and well-trained pilots.” He grabs my hand and presses his lips to each finger one by one.

I nod as we start to taxi onto the runway. “Mr. Beckham, Miss Graham, I do hate to intrude—‘’ One of the flight attendants with glossy gorgeous dark brown hair and perfectly done make-up appears from the front of the plane where I assume they have their own space and Wes immediately looks at her from over his glasses.
