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I shudder under his touch and his words. “Thank you. You look very handsome too by the way,” I say looking him over. “Understatement actually.” I rove my eyes over him. He’s wearing black slacks and a black buttoned-down shirt but the sleeves are rolled to his forearms and his tattoo on display makes my knees weak. I’m used to seeing his tattoo out because he’s naked or completely covered up because he’s in a suit, but this in-between is different.

“I’m not used to seeing this when you have clothes on,” I tell him as I touch his arm. “It’s so fucking hot.”

I trace my fingers over the colorful tattoos interwoven all over his arm. When I look up, he’s looking down at me with a look that tells me we might be late for the opening. “I don’t think we have time and it took me a minute to get my hair to do what I wanted it to. I’m used to humidity but this shit down here is ridiculous.” I have a hair tie and mini hairspray in my purse in case my hair doesn’t survive but I would like for it to look nice at least through the lobby of the hotel.

He wraps his arms around me and presses his lips to mine. “Fine, and thank you.”

“Can you pour me some whiskey?” I ask and he raises an eyebrow at me.

“You don’t like whiskey.”

“I didn’t say that, I said I’m not a whiskey drinker and I just think it might take the edge off some.”

“The edge?”

“My nerves. The fact that I’m horny and you look like that.” I wave my index finger up and down his body.

He chuckles. “Yeah, I’m the problem.”

“I’ll bet you’re hit on just as much as I am.” I run my hands up his chest and he grabs them pulling me closer to him.

“No one is going to hit on me with you right next to me, and if some guy hits on you I’m going to jail.”

“Wes.” I shake my head.

“I’m not kidding.” He pours me a smaller glass of whiskey and hands it to me. “Sip—” he starts just as I tip it back like a shot.“Okay then.” He nods, with a playful look in his eye.

“What?” I shiver, squeezing my eyes shut as it goes down and I let out a little cough. “Do we have anything I can use for a chaser?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “Baby, you don’t chase Macallan eighteen.”

“Wesley.” I deadpan.

His eyes widen and he puts a hand over his heart. “My full name?” He reaches under the bar and pulls out a ginger ale and a coke and I grab the ginger ale, before pulling it to my lips to take a sip, swishing the taste out of my mouth.

“God, you’re fucking cute. You want another one?”

“I’m good.” I scrunch my nose. “We should go or we’re going to be late.”

He clasps our hands together, bringing my hand to his lips as we start walking towards the door. “Thank you for coming with me.”

I stop in my tracks. “Oh wait, did I have a choice?” I give him an innocent smile.

He rolls his eyes and pulls me through the door.“Nope, come on.”

Miami at seven-thirty is notorious for horrible traffic, so we are sitting in it in the back of a town car when Wes’ phone rings.

“Oh, this fucker.” He groans and I assume it’s Chris. “Yes?” He’s silent for a moment, “No.” His hand, which is wrapped around my thigh tightens. “Because I said so. You’ll be fine. I have plans.” I giggle, assuming Chris is trying to tag along with us wherever we are going and Wes is having none of it. “If you want to come to the gallery opening, fine, but you’re not coming to dinner.” I trace my fingertips over his knuckles and he squeezes my thigh. “No, we don’t want to go out. Sure. Okay, call me when you’re outside,” he says before hanging up.

“You’re so grumpy even with your best friend?”

“He annoys me more than anyone.” He chuckles. “Though, he’s just pressing me about tonight because he wants to be nosy about you.”

“I figured as much. You told him about us?”

“I told him six months ago when I hired you.” That shocks me. I didn’t know men usually talked about their crushes like that. “Then at the holiday party, I couldn’t stop staring at you. That’s why he came to get me when I was talking to you and Marissa. He said I was staring at you like I wanted to fuck you.”

“I remember when he came to get you. I didn’t realize that was about me.” I feel my cheeks heat thinking about that night and my heart flutters remembering him telling me that he couldn’t stop thinking about me.
