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"This is so good." I moan around a mouthful of lamb. "Love home-style cooking."

"Same," Marsh agrees, scooping some fries into his mouth, and fuck, I've been with him for less than an hour, and all I can think of is how much I love this guy.

It's not a crush, and it's more than just physical attraction. I'm all-out, head over heels, slap-me-sideways in love with him.

The crazy part is I don't even know why. Leo's not the only one who couldn't picture me falling for a guy like Marsh.

For starters, he's older than my usual sexual partners. Until recently, I had a theory that while everyone else got old, I stayed forever twenty-five. Helped explain why that was the usual age of the guys I slept with.

Then there's the fact that he's a small-town guy. Nothing wrong with that, it's just so different to the city crowds I usually find myself in.

And he's such a…such a mountain man, ticking off every item on the stereotypical masculine checklist.

Like, wearing the black-and-dull-yellow flannel shirt he's got on right now.

He works in construction.

He can't cook for shit.

He drinks scotch.

He chops wood…which gives me wood.

All reasons why we shouldn't even be friends. On the surface we have so little in common, and yet, he's given me one of the longest and most enduring friendships I've had.

And when?Whendid my feelings for Marsh morph into something deeper than friendship love?

There are still so many things I don't have answers for, but for some reason, I feel in my heart that this is the right time to tell him. Maybe getting it out in the open will provide me with some answers.

"Have I got food in my beard?"

Marsh's deep voice snaps me back to reality. He starts stroking his fingers through his thick fuzz.

"What? No. Sorry. I'm just…jet-lagged."

His already narrow eyes thin even more, but he doesn't say anything.

"Anyway, tell me more about Branum and PJ. I swear, every time I come back here, another Duncan brother has fallen in love."

Marsh grins and fills me in on how Branum fell for a nerdy, ginger librarian over the summer.

"He sounds like an interesting guy. I hope I'll get to meet him."

"You know my brothers. They wouldn't let you leave without at least one big dinner. They love you."

A pulse of heat shoots through me. Right words, wrong pronoun.

"So what is the plan? I'm here for three days."

"It sucks that you can't stay longer."

"It does. But I have some stuff I need to finalize in Palm Springs and Florida. Then I have to fly back to Oz to be an emotional support animal for Josiah."

"The guy going through a messy divorce with that tech billionaire asshole?"
