Page 107 of Desperate Acts

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Her fingers drifted down to the skin of his forearm, which was bare. “It’s not the end of your story.”

“No.” Kaden abruptly wrapped his arms around her, urging her to lay back as he covered her with his naked body. Lia groaned as his weight pressed her into the soft mattress. Instinctively, she spread her legs, allowing him to settle in the perfect position. Lowering his head, Kaden nuzzled the pulse that was pounding at the base of her throat. “It’s just the beginning. I intend to devote the rest of my life to pleasing you.”

Lia wrapped her arms around his neck, relishing the sensation of his hot, bare skin rubbing against her.

“You’re already doing a pretty good job,” she assured him, arching her hips to press against his thick arousal.

“Prettygood?” He released a low growl, his lips sweeping down to the swell of her breasts. “That sounds like a challenge.”

Lia chuckled. “I suspect everything is a challenge to you.”

He slid his hands down her back, cupping her ass in his palms as his lips teased her nipple.

“I like to think I’m doing my best. Especially when it involves you, Lia Porter.”

“I like your best, Kaden Vaughn.” Lia released a shaky sigh, desire clouding her mind with a haze of pleasure.

Chapter 24

Kaden woke to discover Lia tightly wrapped in his arms. As if he was afraid she might disappear while he slept. Or maybe it was to reassure himself she wasn’t a figment of his imagination that would disappear with the dawn. With a rueful smile, he eased his grip, running his fingers through the satin spikes of her hair. It was going to take time to accept that this magnificent woman had agreed to be a part of his life.

With a slow stretch, Lia opened her eyes, blinking at the morning sunshine that poured through the open curtains.

“What time is it?” she asked in a husky voice.

Kaden perched on his elbow to gaze down at her sleep-flushed face. His heart slammed against his ribs. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

“Does it matter?”

She reached up to stroke her fingers through his hair. Kaden shivered in pleasure. Her touch was more addictive than any drug.

“I suppose not.” She wrinkled her nose. “Which is strange.”

He bent his head to sweep his lips over her brow, savoring the taste of her skin. Her touch wasn’t the only thing he was addicted to.

“Why is it strange?” he asked.

“I’ve been working since I was old enough to hold on to a broom. It’s always mattered what time it was.”

Kaden didn’t doubt Lia was expected to pull her weight from a very early age. Being the daughter of a single mother who struggled to provide for them meant she would have to take on duties and responsibilities that most kids would find unbearable. He’ d been just the opposite. While Darren had shouldered the responsibility of keeping the house running—since his father couldn’t be trusted to get dinner on the table—Kaden had run wild. His one contribution had been handing over the money he earned in underground fight clubs. His thick skull had been good for something.

It was one of a thousand reasons he adored her.

“This morning, let’s pretend we’re two people with no job and no worries.” He brushed his lips down the narrow length of her nose. “Nothing but each other.”

She chuckled. “Hollywood dreams.”

“The dreams of a man in love.”

He felt her stiffen at his words. “Oh,” she breathed.

He lifted his head, frowning down at her flushed face. “Does that frighten you?”

“It astonishes me.” She shook her head “I’m so . . . ordinary.”

Kaden snorted. As far as he was concerned, no one was ordinary. Everyone had a story that made them unique and interesting. And this woman was more unique than most.

“Never ordinary. You’re gloriously down-to-earth,” he corrected in stern tones. “I’ve spent too many years in Hollywood surrounded by fake and shallow people who are willing to play whatever role will give them an advantage.” He nipped the lush curve of her lower lip. “You might have your secrets, Lia Porter, but you are who you are.”
