Page 2 of Bad Boy Romance

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She's checking me out.

“You both know what to do, right?” Ryder asks.

“Sure do,” I say confidently. “I always know what to do and how to do it right.” Keeping my eyes on her, my tone is flirtatious.

She nods and agrees, placing her hands at her waist as she holds a small bouquet of flowers. Her cheeks flush slightly as she brushes a loose strand of hair behind ear, looking away.

“Good. I'm going to head down now.” He's so preoccupied with the wedding that he doesn't even catch the fact I'm flirting with her. His nerves are starting to get to him. I can see it. Ryder tries to pretend like nothing bothers him, but I know him better than that. He's scared shitless, but in a good way, I suppose.

This is the start of a new chapter for him and Jenna. A new life, a new everything. It isn't just him and his sister anymore. He's growing his family, and I'm proud of him for it.

“Siobhan. . . Am I saying that right?” I ask her.

“Yeah, but you can just call me Sia. It's what all my friends call me.”

“So, we're friends now,” I saw with a smirk. “That's good.”

She giggles, and lord help me, that fucking giggle sets me on fire. That little laugh sends blood rushing through my veins, making my cock throb. Every muscle in my body tenses up, the air around me is suddenly so thick I almost can't take a breath.

Fuck, I could take her right here.

“I suppose we are now,” she answers with her own sexy little smile. “My friend is marrying yours. I think that makes us friends by default.”

My eyes lick up and down her body. Her ass, her legs, her rosy cheeks, and shaded lids are making my chest tight. I want to take her someplace where we can be alone, where I can taste every inch of her skin. Lick over her curves, exploring her body until she begs me to fuck her.

She catches me checking her out and gives me a gotcha smile. Darting my eyes up to the sky, I try to calm myself down. It's your best friend's wedding! Get your shit together!

“So, how long have you known Ryder?” she asks as she uses two fingers to stroke a single petal of one of the flowers in her bouquet.

The way the petal slips between her fingers is erotic. My dick pulses, begging for her to touch me that way. To stroke my cock with the same tenderness, the same teasing touch.

Clearing my throat, I push the thought away as I say, “All my life, basically. We've been friends since we were kids.”

“Wow, a long time, then.”

“Are you saying I'm old?” Furrowing my brows, I angle my head.

Sia lets out a loud laugh, slapping my chest with her hand. “You know what I mean.”

My chest tingles where she touches me, causing me to swallow hard as our eyes lock on each other. We stand in silence for a second, a very long second, before I finally say, “You're not from around here. I can tell.”

“Is it the accent that gave it away?”

Rocking my head on my shoulders, I thin my lips. “Well there's that, but also I know everyone in this town, and I've never seen you before.”

“Yeah, when Jenna told me she came from a small town, I honestly didn't picture something this small. We're in the country, and I'm from New York. It's so different. There's nothing for miles in either direction.”

“Yeah, for me this is normal. I can't imagine living someplace where you open your front door and you run into dozens of strangers walking down the street.”

“So, I'm guessing a suit isn't something you normally wear, is it?”

“Do I look that awkward?” I ask, looking down at myself as I flare out my jacket.

“No, it's not that. You look really nice; it fits you well. I just figured being so rural here, a suit isn't typically required.” She reaches out, fixing the small handkerchief in my breast pocket. Her fingers linger there for a moment, until she pulls them away quickly.

Our eyes lock again, the attraction between us more than palpable. The air feels like it's filled with electricity. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, sending a chill down my spine. My stomach clenches up as my dick pulses in my pants.

Clearing my throat, I loosen my tie a little. “Thanks. I'm surprised you're still shorter than me with those heels.” Looking down, I point at her feet.
