Page 102 of The Nanny

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I turn too quickly, realizing Aiden is talking to me. “Hmm?”

“I said, how do you like your eggs?”

“Oh. Just however you guys have them is fine. I’m not picky.”

“Over easy it is,” he decides.

Sophie blows a raspberry. “I like scrambled!”

“Scrambled it is,” Aiden corrects.

Sophie leans on her elbows over the counter. “Can we go back to the park after breakfast?”

“You have school today,” Aiden reminds her.

“She’s off today,” I tell him. “Parent-teacher conferences.”

Aiden frowns. “I didn’t know that. Am I supposed to go?”

“Nope,” Sophie says smugly. “I exceed expectations.”

Her grin makes me laugh. “She got a note in her backpack that said she didn’t need a sit-down. She’s making straight As.” I cast an apologetic look in Aiden’s direction. “Sorry, I meant to tell you.”

“No, no, it’s fine. Thanks for staying on top of it.”

“So can we go?” Sophie looks expectant. “To the park? Please?”

“I don’t know,” Aiden says with a cluck of his tongue. “I don’t know if I can manage the walk while I’m still so devastated about my terrible pancakes.”

“You’re good at other things,” Sophie tries. “Like... you always know where the batteries are!”

“Wow,” Aiden says dryly. “Suddenly my life has meaning again.”

I’m trying to hide my smile behind my coffee cup when he looks at me, feeling my stomach flutter when he flashes me a lazy grin that shows just a bit of teeth. Even after everything we’ve done, it still takes me by surprise, how effortlessly gorgeous he is; just looking at his mouth is enough to make me flustered. Not forany particular reason, of course. I’m absolutely not thinking about the way his mouth was between my legs last night, that’s for sure.

“You know,” I tell Sophie, trying to push those thoughts away before I start blushing. “I found a Frisbee in one of my boxes I’ve been putting off unpacking the other day. I bet we could totally kick your dad’s ass.”

“Yeah, let’s kick his ass.”

Aiden frowns. “Sophie.”

“Oops.” I shoot him an apologetic look. “Sorry.”

He doesn’t look angry, in fact, I think he’s trying not to smile. “Also, you should both probably know that I was on an Ultimate Frisbee team in college.”

“Oh, wow,” I say amusedly. “I can’t tell if that’s impressive or sad.”

Aiden raises an eyebrow but says nothing.

“Go ahead and go shower,” he tells Sophie. “I’ll be done with breakfast by the time you finish.” He turns to point his spatula at us both. “And then I’m going to kickbothof your asses at Frisbee.”

Sophie giggles as she hops off the barstool, bounding back upstairs to leave us both alone. Aiden flips the bacon in the pan again before he lets the spatula rest at the edge of the skillet, sneaking a glance toward the stairs before he crowds me against the counter.

“What was that about kicking my ass?”

I peek up at him through my lashes, smiling slyly. “Are you worried, Mr.Reid?”
