Page 129 of The Nanny

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“I changed my mind,” he tells me seriously, his eyes on mine. “I want Cassie.” He plucks the sleeve from my arm to slide it further down. “Just Cassie.” My heart starts to beat a heavy cadence in my chest as he urges me out of his jacket, tossing it away. “And I don’t want to watch anymore.”

I can hardly breathe when he lowers against me, easing me into a kiss that makes my toes curl. His tongue slips inside my mouth to lick against mine, and I close my eyes as my skin tingles and my stomach flutters. I feel his hand move to my hip to squeeze there, wandering after—up my ribs and under my breasts and back down again over my belly until he can dip between my legs.

“You’re so wet,” he marvels.

I let my fingers graze against his hips, pulling him closer. “Because of you.”


That urgency is back when he kisses me, but the rest of his body goes slow. He holds my hip to keep me pinned beneath him, rocking against me so that I can feel the heat of his cock against my center. The thin fabric of his boxer briefs feels like entirely too much, and I start to tug at them impatiently, needing to feel all of him. He manages to get his underwear off with less difficulty than I did, and in only a matter of seconds he’s completely bare against me.

I sigh into his mouth when I can feel him against my core, continuing that slow rutting that has the head of his cock bumping against the most sensitive part of me with every stroke.

“Aiden,” I whisper between kisses. “Aiden, can you—”

And like he can read my mind, I feel the nudge of him against my entrance, notching against me before slowly pushing inside. He never stops kissing me while he gives me inch after inch, filling me in a lazy, torturous way so that it feels like forever until I’m full. It’s so much different from the toy, so muchbetter, and again I wonder how I could ever be fully satisfied with anything other than this now that I’ve had it. I hope I never have to find out.

His body against mine is a warm, satisfying weight, and his lips, which have begun to wander again, elicit little sparks against my skin wherever they touch. He doesn’t move inside me while his mouth presses against my cheek, my jaw, down to my neck— and after a moment of this torment, I start to squirm with impatience.

“Be still,” he says, not a demand but a plea. “Let me feel you.”

I go still as he lets out a ragged breath against my throat, kissing there gently after as his hand slides down my thigh. His hand curves around the back of my knee to urge it upward, pushing it high to open me up more as he pulls up his head to look at me. His throat bobs with a swallow as he looks at me through hoodedeyes, holding my knee against my chest and smiling dreamily before he kisses me again.

And then he starts to move.

He draws back his hips to push back inside at that same slow pace, his lips and tongue keeping me too distracted to even complain about the slow rhythm. Not that I want to. Every slide inside brings a delicious friction, every inch of him touching every part of me. I’m still sensitive from the orgasm I just gave myself, and it means that every sense is heightened, every touch feels like so muchmore.

I feel his arm snake under my back, pulling me against him and pinning my knee against his chest. He falls to his elbow on my other side, his mouth never leaving mine. We’re so close that I can feel the base of his cock rubbing against me with every thrust, a tingling pressure building between my legs as he rolls his hips against mine again and again.

My thigh starts to burn with the way he has it pushed up toward my stomach, but the angle means he hits impossibly deep with every thrust, the pleasure of it overriding any discomfort. His kisses are stuttered, like he’s having trouble keeping his focus, his head finally burying against my throat, groaning. I hold on to his shoulders as he picks up the pace, his breath washing hot against my neck.

“Aiden,” I gasp, feeling that tingling heat inside swell to the point of bursting. “Oh.Oh.I’m—”

“Are you gonna come?”

I try to nod. “Don’t stop.”

“Never.” His thrusts are erratic now. “Fuck.Ineverwanna stop.”

“Just—just keep—right there. I’m—”

It’s like a shower of fireworks bursting behind my eyes and all over my skin, lights and colors flashing in my vision as my entirebody tenses with my orgasm. Aiden is still moving, his pants growing louder and rougher against my ear, and I slide my fingers over his shoulders, leaving dazed kisses wherever I can reach.

He also goes stiff when he tumbles over the edge, his big body shaking against mine and his cock twitching deep, deep inside before he goes slack against me. He’s heavy and entirely too large for this, but I like the weight of him. I keep pressing kisses against his jaw as he tries to catch his breath, shivering with every pass of my fingers against his skin.

He keeps me close until his breath is less shallow, inhaling deeply just to blow it out before he pulls out of me with a wince. He doesn’t go far, rolling slightly to the side so he can keep me close against him without crushing me with his weight, and watching as I bring my hands up to let them rest under my head. He looks spent like this; his head rests on one bicep, and the other is draped lazily over my hip, but his eyes are expressive and bright as they study my face.

I bring the tips of my fingers to his mouth, tracing its shape lightly. “Did you know that the most sensitive parts of your body are your fingertips and your lips?”

“Yeah?” He kisses my fingertips. “Seems pretty suggestive for a Snapple lid.”

His hand drifts up my side until he can wrap his fingers around my hand, turning it to press a kiss against my palm. There’s a ghost of a smile at his mouth when he looks up at me, like he’s keeping a secret he can’t share, and it feels infectious with the way it has me grinning shyly back at him.

“Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we’d met up back then?”

His mouth is still grazing my palm. “If we’d met up?”

“Mm-hmm. Like, what do you think would have happened?”
