Page 14 of The Nanny

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“Sophie is cute as a button. Stubborn as hell though. I can tell she’s going to be a tough nut to crack.”

“And the dad?”

“Aiden is...” I still with my hand on a hanger, considering how best to describe him. “He’s really nice. You can tell he loves Sophie, and he seems determined to make sure I’m comfortable here. Sounds like they’ve had some bad luck in the nanny department lately.”

“They’re probably all in the basement.”

“Well, at least I’ll have company when he throws me down there.”

“You laugh now, but don’t come crying to me when he brings out the zip ties.”

Wow that shouldn’t sound halfway appealing. I tell myself it’s a natural reaction to someone who looks like he does, and that it will get better the more I get used to him. Surely.

I definitely can’t tell Wanda that Aiden is hot. She’ll be completely insufferable about it, I’m sure.

“They’re perfectly nice people, and this is a perfectly nice house, and I am perfectly safe. I promise.”

“Yeah, well. You make sure you keep that tracker thing going on your phone.”

“We’re sharing locations. I don’t have to turn it on.”

“Well, as long as I can find you when he throws you in the basement.”

“Yes, I love you too.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“How was bingo?”

“I won a succulent.”

“But you have a black thumb.”

She scoffs. “It’s a cactus! You don’t even have to do anything with it.”

“No, you definitely have to water it.”

“No, you don’t. They make their own water.”

I shake my head, thinking about that poor plant that is absolutely going to die.

“Just throw some water on it every once in a while,” I insist. “Humor me.”

“Oh, whatever.”

“I’d better let you go,” I tell her. “I’m done unpacking, so it’s time to go and try to tame the cute little beast.”

“The trick is to not show any fear.”

I smile into the receiver. “Noted.”

“Call me tomorrow.”

“I will, I will.”

We say our goodbyes before I stow my phone in my pocket, taking one last glance around the room and nodding in satisfaction. I still can’t get over how big it is. I could practically open a dance studio on either side of the bed. I figure I’ve afforded Sophie about as much space as I can manage at this point, and I give myself a pep talk before I leave my bedroom in an attempt to coax her out of her room.

It’s my first time going upstairs, since last night she claimed she had homework and sequestered herself in her room. I knock on her bedroom door, careful not to step inside even after she answers, peeking my head around the door instead.
