Page 39 of The Nanny

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“But I want it,” she pouts.

“Oh, well, when you put itthatway,” I laugh.

Can I carry the pizza?”

“It’s too hot,” I tell her. “You’re in charge of the books.”

She’s picked out three books about talking pumpkins, friendly monsters, and a lost unicorn, respectively, guarding them like her life depends on it.

“I can do both.”

“I’ve got it. We’re almost home, anyway.”

“I can do it,” she argues.

“Yes, but then you might burn your hands, and you’ll use that as an excuse not to help with the dishes.”

“I will not!”

I feign suspicion. “I don’t know... sounds like a trap to me.”

“You’re so weird,” she huffs.

“Tell me something I don’t know, kid.”

“Okay, but when we get home I wanna—”


We both pause on the sidewalk, noticing a familiar figure lingering outside of the gate in front of the town house holding a paper sack. Aiden hadn’t said anything about Iris visiting today, so it throws me to see her here, and I momentarily falter before I paste on a smile. “Hey! What brings you by?”

“I don’t need a reason to check on my niece,” Iris says bluntly.


“Well, no,” I offer with an awkward laugh. “I guess not. I just thought if you let me know ahead of time next time, I’ll make sure to have her back here sooner.”

“Mm-hmm.” Iris gives Sophie a smile then. “Can’t you give your aunt a hug?”

Sophie grins back, bridging the gap between us to hug Iris.

“How was school this week, honey bear?”

Sophie shrugs. “It was okay.”

“Made any friends yet?”

“Not really,” Sophie sighs.

“You will,” Iris urges sweetly. She really is a different person with Sophie. “Don’t worry.”

“I brought you some books,” Iris says. She eyes the pile in Sophie’s arms. “I see someone beat me to it though.”

I am seriously not winning any brownie points with this woman.

“That’s okay,” Sophie says. “Cassie can read yours too.”
