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“No one is telling you to jump, Rayna. You can take small steps. For goodness’ sake, you can take baby steps if you want.”

I sigh and look at my mom, her eyes filled with understanding and a hint of mischief. She’s right, as always. Taking small steps with Magnus might be exactly what I need. It’s not like I’m ever going to be comfortable with jumping into any relationship. It’s just hard to let go of the fear that has held me back for so long.

“I guess you’re right,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. I turn to grab the cooked beef and begin pouring it into a separate saucepan, adding a few cups of water and pour in my seasoning. I give it a good mix, and the beef will be done when all of the water is gone.

Mom walks over to the stove and puts the pot on, turning the heat to high. When she’s done, she comes over to me and places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Just remember, Rayna, life is all about taking risks. Sometimes, we stumble along the way, but if we never take that first step, we’ll never know what could have been.”

Her words sink deep into my heart, resonating with a truth that I’ve been avoiding for far too long. With each passing moment, I can feel myself inching closer to embracing this newfound bravery.

As the beef simmers on the stove and fills the air with its aromatic fragrance, Mom and I work in harmony to finish preparing the tacos. It takes about thirty minutes, but by the time the beef is done, the rice is ready, and we’re warming up the tortillas. We fill each tortilla shell with a generous portion of seasoned ground beef, vibrant red onions, a sprinkle of shredded cheese, and a dollop of sour cream.

“I’m not one who normally sticks up for people, although I will for Magnus. I don’t think you see the way he looks at you, sweetheart. There’s this longing look in his eyes. I’ve only ever witnessed men looking at women like that when they really care about them.”

Does Magnus care about me? I mean, could he? We only know each other on a surface level.

When I think about it . . . he’s always had this flirtatious nature about him since we met.

Maybe I should give this a shot, even if I’m terrified it’s going to turn out badly. I deserve happiness, and the past isn’t a guarantee that history will repeat itself.

* * *

After I ate lunch with my mom, I went back to my room and checked my emails. Sure enough, I received a strongly worded email from the man who used to be my client. Sometimes, in business, you have to know when to walk away from a situation, and I did. I got to the point where it wasn’t worth my energy anymore.

I spent another five hours working on other clients’ work, sending drafts to them, and even had a little time to update my own website. I’m busier now more than ever, and I want to keep that up. I even offer website maintenance packages to clients, so when they need small updates or even some reorganization, I will be able to do it for them.

It’s a little bit past eight now, so I take a quick shower, blow-dry my hair, and change into something a little more comfortable. At least now, I don’t look like an overly exhausted mom.

I make my way downstairs into the main area of the clubhouse. I scan through the space quickly and notice not everyone is here. I spot Aesir and Aziza sitting on a couch, eating some goodies from a cardboard box. I bet she brought them home from the bakery today.

Tor is at the bar drinking a beer and chatting with Meghan, but Regnor is close by, glaring at him.

Runes is on the phone, looking very irritated, and Fenrir is sitting across from him, paying close attention to whatever Runes is saying.

As my gaze drifts back to Magnus, I can’t help but take in every inch of him. Despite being bald, he exudes a rugged handsomeness that’s almost impossible to resist. I swear it’s a trait only Viking men have, an otherworldly attractiveness that sets them apart from the rest. And then there’s the beard—thick and black, cascading down to the center of his chest like a wild waterfall.

Every muscle on his body is defined and pronounced, straining against the fabric of his t-shirt and cut. He possesses a raw strength that could easily overpower anyone with just the flick of his finger.

He has numerous tattoos all over his body. I haven’t seen the ones on his chest in a while, but I can recall some sort of kraken on him with the legs spanning out to both of his shoulders. There are runes that go across his arms, but I’m not sure what they say. Further down his arm, there are random tattoos: a sun with a star in the middle, a triangle over his elbow, a symbol on the opposite side of his forearm, and a Chinese-style dragon covering his hand.

I’ve never been drawn to men with tattoos, but I can’t deny how good they look on him.

With a flutter in my chest and a confidence that I didn’t know I possessed, I decide right now is the moment I should make my move. Fuck it. I’m not going to act like some scared little girl anymore.

What do I have to lose? Nothing.

This man is obviously interested in me, and if I keep pushing him away long enough, he might go after someone else.

I saunter over to Magnus with purpose, my hips swaying in sync with the rhythm of the music playing in the background. As I approach him, our eyes lock for a brief moment, a spark of intrigue passing between us.

I gracefully slide onto the side of the pool table, positioning myself just inches away from Magnus. The smooth surface feels cool against my bare thighs, sending goosebumps cascading up my spine. The scent of freshly polished wood mingles with the faint aroma of his rugged cologne, intoxicating my senses.

Drawing in a deep breath, I summon all of my courage and flash him a playful smile. Normally, I’d need a couple of drinks to do this, but what the hell.

“So, Magnus,” I purr, leaning in closer to him, “I’ve been thinking about what you said.”

His eyes widen ever so slightly at my words, but a mischievous glint dances within them. He shifts his weight, leaning lazily against the table, staring right into my eyes. With a slow and deliberate motion, he takes a step closer, closing the already narrow gap between us.

Magnus’s voice rumbles like distant thunder as he replies, his words laced with intrigue. “Well, sweet cheeks, you can’t do that to me. What are you thinkin’?”
