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Every time I try to focus on something else, my mind just keeps drifting back to that waffle dinner. To the way Isabella’s eyes lit up each time she tried a different topping on her waffles. Lit up like brilliant sunlight through clear water. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and it took my breath away each and every time.

It also baffled me.Stillbaffles me. How can she never have eaten ice cream before? Waffles, fine. But ice cream? Every kid has eaten ice cream at some point.

Not for the first time, I wonder who she really is. What kind of person was she before she became an assassin? And what made her become one?

It’s a strange feeling. In some ways, I feel like I know her so intimately, so completely, that I can see right through her soul. Like I know her and understand her in a way the rest of the world does not. Because I also feel those exact same emotions that she hides deep within her heart.

But at the same time, I know absolutely nothing about her. I don’t know where she came from or what her family was like. I don’t know where she went to school or why she decided to become an assassin while she was still in high school. Hell, I don’t even know her real name.

How is it possible to know someone so deeply while at the same time not knowing them at all?

“Ha! Loser.”

I blink, realizing that I spaced out,again, and turn my head to find Jace grinning at me with a smug look of victory on his face. I flick a glance back at the TV. Yes, my video game character is indeed lying there on the ground, dead.

From the other side of the couch, Kaden scoffs. “That wasn’t a real victory, Golden.”

“Uhm, hello.” Jace stabs a hand towards the TV. “Did you not just see me shoot him in the head?”

“You didn’t win because you were better than him. You won because he was daydreaming.”

“I was notdaydreaming,” I protest, shooting him a dirty look.

“Uh-huh.” He smirks at me. “So you weren’t thinking about Isabella?”

“Oh, he totally was,” Jace says before I can reply.

Turning around, I narrow my eyes at him. “And how wouldyouknow? I thought you were focused on our game.”

“I can sense these things.” With a grin on his face, he taps his fingers against both temples. “Mind tricks, baby.”

I snort and roll my eyes before hurling a pillow at him.

He catches it deftly and then arranges it behind his head before letting out a contented sigh. Mischief dances on his face as he looks back at me with a victorious smile. “See? You even gave me the pillow I wanted without me having to ask for it.” He winks. “Told you. Mind tricks.”

On my other side, Kaden snickers. I let out a chuckle as well, because that was indeed well played.

Jace picks up his controller from his lap and flashes me a grin full of cocky challenge. “Alright, ready to get your ass kicked again?”

“No,” Kaden replies before I can even open my mouth. “Give me that.” Leaning over, he snatches the controller out of my hands. “You’re too distracted, and I refuse to allow his ego to grow any larger. I will personally escort Jace back down to the bottom of the food chain.”

Jace snorts. “Come try it.”

“So go handle the source of your incessant daydreaming instead,” Kaden finishes, his gaze on me, as if Jace hadn’t said anything.

Narrowing my eyes, I give him a sharp look, which he answers with an even sharper psychopath smile. I huff out a laugh.

“Fine.” After heaving a sigh, I push myself up from the couch and start towards the doorway while speaking over my shoulder. “The loser is responsible for dinner.”

“You’re only saying that because you’re not even in the game anymore,” Jace calls after me.

“Scared, little brother?” Kaden mocks, and even though my back is to them now, I can hear the smirk in his voice.

“You wish,” Jace retorts. “When I win, I’m going to make you wear an apron as you cook us dinner.”
