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“Thank you,” Isabella says. She swallows thickly. “For sharing this place with me.”

I can’t make my tongue work, so I just nod in acknowledgement.

For a long while, we just stand there side by side. Watching the starlight above and below. Listening to the humming insects and the rustling leaves. Breathing in the scent of blooming night flowers.

I know that I have already said too much. Shown her too much. Given her too much honesty.Again. But I still can’t stop myself as I ask one more question.

Keeping my eyes on the pond, I draw in an unsteady breath. “Do you ever feel like everyone who looks at you knows exactly who you are, but when you’re all alone, all you can do is to just stare at your own reflection in the mirror and wonder how the hell you’ve managed to fool everyone?”

“Because they only ever see the carefully constructed façade you’re showing them, but in reality, you have no idea who you are anymore,” she finishes, her eyes also on the dark water before us.

A shudder ripples through my soul at how dead-on her words are. “Yeah.”

“Yeah,” she echoes.

I don’t say anything else. Because I can’t. And I know she can’t either.

So we just stand there.

And watch the stars.



Since the Hands of Peace are in the state, I have to check my communications every day now instead of a couple of times a week. Yesterday, there was no news. Hopefully, today will be the same.

I glance towards the tall building that runs along the left side of the street as I walk through this rundown part of town. On the other side of it is an overgrown park. And until two days ago, I had no idea. It’s not on any of the maps, and the opening between this building and the other one is so narrow that it can’t even be classified as a path.

My gaze drifts towards the road coming up on my right. This is only two streets away from where I keep my go-bag.

At first, I thought that that was why Rico was taking me here. Because he had somehow figured out where my secret hiding place is, and was going to confront me about it. I had been plotting ways to neutralize him and escape when he instead led me into that park.

Pain pulses through my chest in a short sharp burst.

Why did he have to show me that park? Why did he have to share that place and those heartbreakingly honest words with me? It made me feel like a real person for a moment. And for that one moment, I didn’t feel lonely anymore. I felt like I had found someone who truly saw me for who I really am.

But then that moment ended. And now I feel even more empty than before.

With great effort, I block out the cracks spidering through my heart and instead focus on my task. I need to know if the Hands of Peace have reached the city.

After picking the lock on the door, I slink inside and pull it shut behind me again. A rusted hammer lets out a metallic grinding sound as I push it aside with my boot while striding across the room. I quickly unlock the padlock on the box and then open it.

My heart is pattering in my chest as I turn on my phone.

One new notification.

Dread seeps through my bones like cold water.


No news is good news. So if there is news, it means that it’s bad news.

While bracing myself, I open the messenger app.

They have been spotted. Here.

I click the embedded link, which brings up a map with a red pin in it. I stare at that red dot. It’s a small town just a few miles away from here.
