Page 52 of Always With You

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I finally stop overthinking and focus on Rewa. “Fine, we’ll celebrate tonight. I just need to go home and change.”

“You don’t have to drive all the way to your house. We can change here. That will save us time. And before you argue with me, I have packed a bag with a couple of dresses which you can try. I am sure you’ll find something which you like in that.”

“That makes sense.”

Her eyes widen. “Are you agreeing with me without making a fuss or checking on what I have in my bag?”

“I think I can trust you.” Looking at her face, I ask hesitantly. “Can I?”

“Of course, you can. That’s one of the reasons you hired me. And not only am I your friend, but also your right hand.”

I raise my brow. “I am not sure if this is your way of asking for a raise, or are you fetching for compliments as to how dependable you are?”

“Well, maybe both. Or maybe neither.” She then shakes her head and gives a warm smile. “Chill. All I want is for you to enjoy your life.”

I nod my head as Rewa walks to the storeroom to bring her bag. I keep my fingers crossed as she walks back and pulls out two identical short dresses — one in red while the other in black. I instinctively know that red is more like her, while black is more like my thing. Taking the dress, I make my way to the changing room. After slipping into the outfit, I step out and stand in front of the mirror. Not bad.

“I love this dress,” I say, swirling and looking at the full-length mirror in the boutique. It’s a black sleeveless fitted dress which ends around my mid-thighs.

“You look so fucking hot and sexy.”

“I already know that, but anyway, thank you,” I mock bow as I reply.

She laughs. “How I wish your husband could see you in this killing outfit tonight, I am sure he would tie you to himself for a lifetime.”

And it’s my turn to laugh. “That’s not going to happen, Rewa.”

“You never know,” she grinned. “Now let me quickly go and change.” Saying that, she takes the red dress similar to mine as she slips inside the changing room.

Ten minutes later, she steps out, looking gorgeous. I can see she has freshened her make-up too.

“You don’t look bad either,” I compliment her.

“Well, it’s my turn to say thank you.” She imitates my action and bows her head. “Let’s go.”

I grab my bag and check my appearance for one last time before leaving. A sigh escapes my lips. I don’t remember when was the last time I dressed like this or even went out for a drink. But tonight, I will let my hair down and enjoy and not think of anything or anyone but myself. I am determined to leave all my stress behind. I know I have my battles to face but they can wait until tomorrow. Tonight is all about letting myself loose and be carefree.

“Okay, let’s go?” She holds my hand as we walk our way to my car.

“Which place did you book?” I ask as I sit behind the steering wheel, while she opens the passenger seat and settles down.

“The New Town Bar.”

Feeding the address on Google Maps, I kick-start the engine. All the time, I can feel the tension leaving my body while we have fun listening to the collection of songs Rewa has, while having random conversations. We arrive at our destination exactly in an hour. Pulling the car at the parking lot, we jump out and make our way towards the entrance. The moment we enter, the loud music hits our ears. One of the waitresses walks up to us, greeting us as she leads us to our table which is near the dance floor.

“It’s beautiful here,” I say, taking my seat as my eyes survey the place. Dim lights, cosy ambience. Also, the place seems to be pretty crowded.

“Yeah, it is,” Rewa says, taking the seat opposite me.

“Did you inform your husband we are here?”

“Yeah, I did,” I answer as I avoid her gaze, and guilt hits me once again. I know how he would react and refrain me from doing so. And I am in no mood to tackle his tantrum. I am sure Dad must be keeping him busy. So, the plan is to reach home before he even realises, I was out.

Before Rewa would ask me further on the topic, a waiter comes to take our order. Once done, he informs us that he will be back with our drinks in a few minutes and then takes his leave.

“Hey, see that guy, he is so hot!” Rewa squeals as she points to the table opposite us. I turn towards the direction andsee a tall guy with chocolate boy looks that make him stand out. He sure is good-looking but doesn’t catch my interest.

“He is okay.”
