Page 80 of Fatkini

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Looong day, beautiful, & I gotta be in early tomorrow. I’ll swing by your place tomorrow night, if that’s cool with u. Let me know. Gnight.

That message was waitingfor me when I finally climbed into bed after two hours with Tristan. I snuggled under the covers then replied.

Definitely a long day. I’ll miss u tonight, but you’re welcome here anytime. Xoxox

The next morning, I paid bills and caught up on social media, then called my mom. Our last talk hadn’t been too happy, so I owed her an upbeat update on my life.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey, how’re you?”

“Great, actually!”

“Ohh? What’s happened to make you so chipper? The last time we talked you were raging about your sister, who’s still very upset with you, by the way. You need to speak with Greer, honey.”

“Yeah, yeah, Mom, eventually. Don’t ruin my good mood.”

“Right. Sorry. What’s got you so happy?”

“Drew Katterman asked me to be his girlfriend last night.” I rolled my eyes at myself; I sounded like a high school girl with a crush.

“Oh? Oh! Isn’t he that rich author?”

“Mooom. There’s more to Drew than his bank account.”

“I’m sure there is, but his bank account certainly adds to his appeal, right?”

“No. I don’t need Drew’s money. Sheesh, when did you get so money hungry?”

She laughed. “Since I married your father. You know he’s a tightwad.”

That was true. “Whine, whine, whine. I don’t think you’re suffering much in your giant, ocean-view mansion.”

She laughed again. “You got me there. So, you have a new fella. Was he one of the ones Greer caught you with?”

“Greer didn’tcatchme with anyone. I was hugging Aithan and Tobias. That’s not hanky-panky.”

“Wait, there are three men now? I’m confused.”

“No, no, just Drew and Aithan. Only Drew is officially a boyfriend. Tobias is just a friend. Aithan is something in between, I guess?”

“I see. Does this mean Aithan is out?”

“No. Drew’s totally open-minded about me seeing Aithan, too.”

“Huh. So those fellas swing both ways? If you know what I mean.”

“No, Mom, they’re not bi. At least, I don’t think so.” I shrugged. “I’ll ask.”

“You can do that?”

“Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t you?”

“Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure I’d have the courage to discuss that with my new boyfriends.” She sighed. “Zel, this sounds very complicated. Are you sure this is wise?”

“A) What’s wisdom got to do with sex and attraction? And B) I’m happier than I’ve ever been, Mom.”
