Page 23 of The Skinny

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“Man, I’m sorry,” Aithan said, but Tobias waved his apology away.

“No need. Shit happens. The judge was totally cool about it.”

“Still, that’s two more months of worrying about Mari.”

Tobias gripped his shoulder. “It’s not your fault, brother.”

Aithan nodded. “I know, but I still feel bad. I want this thing resolved and Amara out of Maeve’s reach.”

Wrapping my arms around him, I pressed my cheek to his broad back. “Give yourself a break, luv.”

“Didn’t you have a doctor appointment today?” Candace asked.

“Yeah. He won’t approve me flying home for Thanksgiving.”

“Aw, that sucks,” she said.

“It’s all good,” he replied. “We’re going up to meet Zel’s folks in Bellingham.”

“You’re welcome to join us,” I added. “Plenty of room and more than enough food every year.”

Tobias unpacked aluminum trays from the bag. “Thanks for the invitation, but we always do a huge spread at the restaurant for all the employees who can’t get home for the holiday.”

“Nice.” I opened the nearest container to sniff appreciatively. “This smells amazing. What did Sam send us?”

“Lamb and pork sausage rolls, butternut squash with spinach and cranberries, and strawberry rhubarb crisp. He wants feedback on all the dishes.”

I stared at him for a moment then declared, “My harem needs a chef.”

Tobias cracked up. “Sam’s married with a second kid on the way. Look somewhere else, girl.”

“Like a gastropub owner?” Candace said jostled Tobias as the rest of us laughed.

I started unpacking the bags. “I won’t hassle a man who has his priorities straight. I’m not one of them and that’s okay.”

Tobias met my gaze with a nod and a half-smile.

“When are you gonna bring Mari over to see me?” Aithan asked him.

“She asks me that same question every day and I tell her, ‘Whenever Uncle Aithan says it’s okay.’” Tobias thumbed through pictures on his phone and turned it to show Aithan. “Took that this morning.”

Drew glanced over Aithan’s shoulder at the photo. “That’s your daughter?” Tobias nodded, and he added, “She’s got wicked style.”

Candace laughed. “Mari dresses better than all of us combined.”

Drew sniffed the food appreciatively then pulled a stack of plates from the cupboard and set them on the kitchen counter.

Aithan said, “It’s one hundred percent okay to bring her for a visit. I miss Little Bit.” He found serving spoons in the drawer to the left of the stove.

“I’ll bring her by the gym tomorrow.”

I said, “You’re welcome to bring her here anytime.”

Tobias’s mouth pressed into a thin line and regret clouded his expression as he shook his head. “Sorry, but … I really can’t.”

“Why not?”

Aithan answered for him. “Because Maeve has him followed all the time, and you have two boyfriends. Given the chance, she’ll use our relationship against him and tell CPS he’s exposing his child to a sexually deviant situation.”
