Page 50 of The Skinny

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I faced forward. “Aith, explain the community you’ve built at Blue Water. They know about the day-to-day work from Tristan, but he never talked much about how tight the community is. That equals stability and it’ll impress my dad.”

“I can do that.” He nodded. “That’s what makes Blue Water unique.”

“Is that why you got into training?” Drew asked.

“It’s one reason. I like that personal training is non-competitive. People encourage each other and only compete with themselves. It makes for a close-knit group, at least at Blue Water it does.” He glanced at me. “Anything else?”

“Don’t bring up sex unless they do. Definitely don’t address it when Greer raises the subject, which she will. She’ll bait all of us in front of them, and Dad will cut her off. That you can count on.”

“No sexy times talk,” Drew remarked. “So I shouldn’t tell them I’m buying a huge new bed?”

“You are?” Aithan asked.

“Yeah. Something with room for three or four. You guys gotta help me pick out the headboard. I like the tufted one we have now, but there’s merit to a metal one. Easier to get a good grip.”

“And you can tie someone to it.” The words escaped me before my brain could stop them.

A beat of silence followed.

Aithan muttered, “I’m trying to drive, Zel.”

“You didn’t mention that was one of your kinks,” Drew said.

I glance over my shoulder. He was watching me, fingers poised above his keyboard, lips curving into a feral smile.

I shrugged, acting casual, though they always saw right through me. “I’m not sure.”

“Never tried it?” he asked.


“Well,” Aithan said, “only one way to find out.”

Damn, this was making me hot and horny. I bit my lip.

Drew hadn’t blinked. And that smile hadn’t faltered. “Guess so,” he said.

I faced forward again and cleared my throat. “Not at my parents’ house.”

They cracked up.

“Fuck no.” Drew returned to typing. “That would be awkward.”

“Hey, Hob,” Aithan said, “can we borrow some rope?”

“And a few of your ties? Or handcuffs, if you’ve got them.”

I shrieked and shook my head like it would erase that visual. “No! Drew! I don’t want to think about my parents that way!”

Aithan snickered. “It wouldn’t be a problem with my family.”

“Oh shit!” Drew laughed. “Of course your mom’s kinky!”

“What?” I stared at Aithan.

He shrugged. “As you get older, you realize the noises coming from your parents’ room, which is directly above your own, aren’t ghosts or the cats fighting.”
