Page 13 of Brutal Callous Heir

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“No, go for it.”

“Oakley, be a doll, would you?” she asks, handing it over. “I’m a little busy.”

She nods down to where she’s stroking me, forcing Oak’s eyes down to my crotch as well.

“Sure. I’d hate for you to stop. Theo looks like he’sreallyenjoying that,” he quips, wiping his greasy fingers on his trousers and opening the banana for Keeley.

He passes it back and she immediately locks eyes with me as she parts her lips and pushes the fruit inside.

“You’re a tramp, Kee,” Reese says as he joins us and falls into a seat next to one of Keeley’s less handsy friends. That or she’s smart enough to know not to go near Reese. The cat fight it would start isn’t worth it.

“Ugh, Theo,” the girl in question complains. “There seems to be a skank on your lap.”

Keeley ignores her jibe and continues her show, biting off a piece of banana in a way that makes me wince.

I know her blowy skills need a little improvement but shit.

“I don’t hear Theo complaining,” she purrs.

“He’s also not about to blow his load either,” Oak points out. “Hey, babe,” he says, his tone changing completely as Tally appears at his side.

Ignoring Keeley, I study Tally for a beat.

She’s looking good. On the outside, she seems to have put everything she went through before Christmas behind her. I know the invisible scars she’s been left with might be a little harder to banish, but at least with her bruises gone, the gossip around the halls of All Hallows’ has almost stopped. Well, that and she’s a fully fledged member of the Heirs now. Something I think she’s still trying to come to terms with after her many, many years of hating everything to do with us.

But what can we say?

Under it all, we’re a loveable lot.

“Keeley, you look like a cheap whore,” she sneers at my playmate.

Unfazed by her words, Keeley continues chowing down on my banana.

“At least she’s a healthy whore,” Oakley quips, balling up his crisp packet and throwing it on the table in favour of pulling his girl onto his lap.

She shrieks in fright, but he soon silences her with his lips. Although, much to his irritation, she fights him.

“Prim,” he growls.

“We can’t do this here,” she argues.

“Why? Because everyone still thinks you’re a good girl?” he teases. “I hate to break it to you, babe. But you’re with me. Everyone knows that you’ve been fully corrupted.”

“Oakley,” she gasps.

“Pull that old stick out of your arse, Prim.”

As they glare at each other, movement behind them catches my eye, and suddenly, my little soldier isn’t so uninterested in the hand stroking him.And I’m not the only one who immediately reacts to the sight before them because New Girl abruptly pauses, causing those behind her to crash straight into her back.

“What the fuck?” one of the football team complains before darting around her and toward their table. The rest of his crew follow, giving her death glares. Not that she notices, she’s too focused on us.

With my temperature finally spiking and my cock swelling, I wrap my fingers around Keeley’s wrist and bring my banana to my mouth for a bite. But I keep my eyes on her.

New Girl.

Her lip peels back, clearly disgusted with the show we’re putting on before she glances to the side and straight at Tally.Then her brows pinch in confusion as Tally finally caves to Oakley’s plan and kisses him back.

I get it. She’ll have met Head Girl Tally. She probably has no idea that she spends her nights taking one of the four best dicks in this place.
