Page 44 of Brutal Callous Heir

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There’s a girl in his bed. A girl he blatantly wants and yet he’s sitting down here having a pity party for one.

There’s only one person in this world that Elliot is truly scared of. None of us know the truth behind why, but we’ve all got pretty solid imaginations. But that person isn’t a quiet, pretty redhead who is wrapped up in sheets that smell like him right this second.

Abi might be shy. Hell, the complete opposite of the girls we usually spend time with, but she’s not scary.

Well, unless there’s more there than him wanting to fuck her…

The drive across town to the golf club is quick, quicker than I want it to be.

Dread sits heavy in my gut as I pull up beside my father’s Range Rover.There are a few guys off in the distance standing around while one of their group tees off, but other than that, the place is quiet.

Saturday mornings are usually the same, the time reserved for the wealthiest of the town to come and make their business deals and talk dirty tactics while trying to one-up each other out on the course.

Pushing the door open, I grab my clubs from the boot and make my way toward the course, putting off calling my father for as long as possible.

“Theo,” someone calls, and when I look up, I find Whitney rushing out of the reception with a wide smile on her face.

“Fuck my life,” I mutter under my breath as she bounds up to me and plants a kiss on my lips like she fucking owns them.

“No,” I bark, pressing a palm against her chest, forcing her back.

Her bottom lip pops out in a pout and her brows draw together.“I’ve missed you. I thought you’d be in more over the holidays,” she whines, forcing me to remember the fucking irritating noise she makes when she comes.

Yeah, there was a fucking reason I avoided her when I showed my face over Christmas.

“I’m meeting my dad. You seen him?” I say, pulling my phone from my pocket.

“Yeah, he was here first thing. Must be halfway around by now,” she explains, chasing after me like a desperate little puppy.

“Don’t you have a job to do, Whitney?” I snap as the call connects.

“About time. Did you have to do your hair and make-up?” Dad snarks.

“What hole are you on?” I demand, in no mood for his bullshit.


Of fucking course.

“I’ll get a buggy and meet you.” No fucking chance am I walking all the way over there. I cut the call before he says anything and take off, leaving Whitney to watch.

“Come find me when you’re done, yeah?” she shouts like a desperate whore.

No fucking chance.

There’s only one girl who’s in my head and under my skin and it’s not fucking Whitney or any of the chasers. It would be so much fucking easier if it were. I could have fucked them and got them out of my system by now.

I’m so fucking agitated and hungover that I push the buggy to its limits, racing across the course in my need to run away from everything that’s buzzing around in my head. But it only means I get to him faster.

For some reason, I thought he’d be alone. But I soon find that I’m wrong.

The thought of spending time with him in any sense puts me in a bad fucking mood. But dealing with him when he’s schmoozing and trying to act like the perfect fucking citizen that I know he’s not is even worse. I’m pissed off and gunning for a fight before I even step foot off the fucking buggy.

“Theodore,” he announces happily, holding his arms out as if he’s going to fucking hug me.

My spine straightens as I vividly remember the last time I saw him. The night I forced Millie to pack up her shit sooner than planned and get the hell out of his house before he reminded her of the monster that lingers just under the surface.

She deserves better than a cunt like him as a father.
