Page 88 of Brutal Callous Heir

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The dorm is buzzing with activity, seeing as we’re not holding our party until tomorrow night, all the girls who haven’t snuck out to the boys’ dorm, or smuggled one into their own room, are all at a loose end.

More than a few proposition me, but no one so much as stirs interest, and I soon leave them all behind in favour of someone on the second floor.

Theo: Oh, sunshine, you’re going to really regret that. Ready?

I unlock her door and throw it open as she shrieks in shock. Although, I’m pretty sure it’s all an act.

She was waiting for me.

If what she’s wearing isn’t evidence enough, then the heat in her eyes sure gives her away.



Theo stares at me with hunger.

“You do know that if you keep letting yourself into my room, I’m going to start thinking you actually ca—”

“Nice outfit.”

“I think you mean pyjamas.” I glance down at my tiny sleep shorts and thin camisole.

He takes a step closer, his gaze darkening as he takes a leisurely sweep of my body. “You expect me to believe you sleep like that.”

“Uh, yes.” I frown.

“So you didn’t dress up… just for me.”

“I hate to disappoint but no.”

“Shame.” He shrugs with indifference, but his expression is anything but.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I sit up. “Why are you here, Theo?”

He falters for a second, the momentary slip telling me all I need to know.

He can’t stay away.

This push and pull between us is more than simple hatred. We both know it.

It’s why, if I had any plans to stick around in Saints Cross, I’d stay away. Because I know without a doubt that it’s foolish to get tangled up with a boy like Theo. But as it happens, I won’t be sticking around. So it doesn’t matter if I let myself enjoy this… whatever it is.

Heavy silence fills the room, neither of us willing to admit what’s going on here.

Theo is the first to speak but it’s the last thing I expect him to say.

“Want to smoke?”

“You burst in here like some kind of stalker to ask me if I want to… smoke?”

Pulling a baggie of weed out of his pocket, he dangles it in front of my face. “It’s good stuff.”

I bet it is.

“Nothing but the best for an Heir.” I roll my eyes.

“You in or what?”
