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The sight of Millie’s tears cascading down her cheeks rips me in two. She looks even more devastated by this than she was finding out the truth about our father on Friday night.

“NO,” she cries, refusing to believe what I’m saying as Tally and Liv gather her into their arms.

“Accept it. She fucked us over just like I’m sure she did to the people who cared about her wherever she came from. I never should have let her into our lives. It's the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.”

Having said everything I’ve got to say, I sidestep Millie and march through the living area, more than ready to find some stashed pills in my room and drink myself into oblivion.

I’m almost at the stairs when Millie’s emotional voice cuts through the air.“She wouldn’t have done that to you, Theo. She loves you. She fucking loves you,” she sobs.

Without instruction from my brain, my legs stop.I suck in a deep breath and turn around.Millie has broken free from her embrace and rushed after me.

She stands in the middle of the room, her eyes wide as she begs me to reconsider.“She loves you, Theo. She didn’t want to, she wanted to hate you, but she doesn’t. Whatever this is, it’s not what you think. She wouldn’t hurt you, hurt me, hurt everyone,” she says, gesturing at our audience surrounding us, “Like that.”

“She’s right,” a distant yet familiar voice says as our missing piece walks through the front door, quickly assessing the situation she’s walked into. “Raine wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.”

“Abi, you don’t even know what’s going on.”

“Maybe not. But just like everyone here, I’m not blind, Theo.”

If I weren’t so lost in my own relationship drama, I might scoff at that.Out of everyone in this room, her and Elliot are the blindest of the lot.

“That girl is gone for you. This is something bigger than she’s letting us see.”

“Jesus, she really has got you all wrapped around her little finger, hasn’t she? She’s leaving. Her bag was packed, and her leaving present was fucking someone else right under my nose.” I throw my arm out pointing in the direction of the bathroom. Abi’s eyes follow it before she frowns, her lips parting to say something.

But I’m done.

So fucking done.

Unwilling to listen to anymore, I turn my back on all of them and run up the stairs taking three at a time in my need for solitude.

“I saw Raine come out of the bathroom last night,” Abi confesses, forcing me to slow down halfway up. She’s not talking to me, has no idea I’m listening, but I’m powerless to keep moving. “But she didn’t look like she was hooking up with anyone. She looked… she looked scared.”

I shake my head, refusing to believe this is any more than her trying to get one over on me.

It’s how our relationship started, so why should I expect the end to be any different?

Slower than before, I continue to drag my exhausted body up the stairs. Abi continues but her words barely register as I shut down faster than I can control.

All my life all I’ve wanted was to be an adult and to make my own decisions. Turns out, it’s fucking bullshit.

Being an adult sucks.

“Who was she with?” Elliot asks as I get to my door.

“I think… I think it was the guy Theo was buying his gear from.” Her words float around my ears, but I don’t allow them to settle.

So what? She was with Vaughn, she was probably buying shit. Everyone on campus knows I get the best gear, that’s no fucking secret.

I bet she fucking stole from me to buy it too. That really would complete the picture of the poor girl who turned up from the wrong side of the tracks and set about trying to bring us down.

Hell, maybe that’s why those pills hit so hard. Maybe she made sure they were spiked. Maybe she was trying to kill me.

The laugh that spills from my lips sounds manic, even to my own ears.

And to think, yesterday morning, I woke up thinking I had it all. Our piece of shit father was behind bars, I was confident that Millie would be looked after, and I thought I had the most incredible woman by my side.

If only I knew…
