Page 119 of Lawless

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His deep chuckle irritates me, but I don’t have the energy to do anything about it.

“You sure you don’t want me to take you back to bed?” he asks, although he doesn’t so much as attempt to move.

Snuggling deeper into his warmth and scent, I shake my head.

“Will you… will you just… hold me?” I ask hesitantly.

He stills, sucking in a breath that he never releases.

Seconds tick by as I wait for a response, or to be thrown on the floor for even suggesting it.

But when his answer comes, it’s not what I’m expecting.

“Whatever you need,” he says quietly, his lips so close to the top of my head his warm breath sends a wave of warmth surging down my body.

His hold on me tightens and he finally releases his breath.

Silence falls between us, but it’s not uncomfortable. The opposite in fact.

I know he’s looking at me. My skin tingles with awareness, but at no point do I return his attention or let him know that I sense his stare. Instead, I keep my eyes on the trees outside, watching as they sway in the wind.

Noise comes from downstairs as the woman must crash around in the kitchen, but he still never explains who she is or why she’s here.

He trusts her, that much is obvious. Reid doesn’t just let anyone into his inner circle. So the fact she’s here and his brothers don’t seem to be speaks volumes.

Eventually, the sound of delicate footsteps can be heard and in only seconds, we’re rejoined by the beautiful woman who had all of Reid’s attention not so long ago.

If she’s shocked that I’m still sitting on his lap, wrapped in his arms, then she doesn’t show it, well, not with anything more than a curious look at the two of us.

“One coffee, as hot as the sun,” she says, shooting Reid an amused look before placing the tray in her hands on the coffee table. “A second more normal one, water, and crackers.”

“Thanks.” Reid growls.

She studies the two of us again, before tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.

The way it shines even under the soft lighting makes me cringe.

I haven’t had the chance to look in a mirror yet, but I can only imagine how bad I look.

“If none of you need anything else, I’m going to head out. I’ve got some vermin to chase.”

Reid shifts beneath me.

“I think we’re good for now. Just gonna hang tight. Heal.”

“You got it. I’ve spoken to a few guys, they’ll be here as soon as they can.”

“Appreciate it.”

“Okay, well. I’ll be in touch,” she promises, backing away. “I’ll bring supplies,” she adds before disappearing down the stairs again. Only a minute or so later, what I can only assume is the front door slams closed, plunging the house into silence.

Reid makes no move to get his coffee, which I know must be killing him.

Hating myself for doing it, I begin to climb off his lap, so he can indulge in his favorite treat. But the second my ass slides from his thigh, his grip on me tightens and I’m hauled back onto his lap.

“What are you doing?” He warns.

“Giving you space to drink.”
