Page 176 of Lawless

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“This is bullshit,” Reid spits venomously at whatever Aubrey just said to him.

They’re standing on either side of the island with all the bags between them.

“It doesn’t matter right now. You’re not ready,” she soothes.

“That’s not the fucking point. He shouldn’t be able to give us the slip like this. We’re fucking better than he is.”

“We are,” Aubrey agrees. “And we will find him and we will win.”

“He hasn’t called you at all?” I ask, more than aware that Reid set her up to be his father’s little fuck toy.



“You think he’s on to you?” I ask with concern.

If that’s the case then…

“There is a chance, but I highly doubt it. I’m just not important enough to him to risk his location.”

“Prick always thinks with his dick, I highly doubt that.” I scoff.

If Aubrey is disgusted about what she’s had to do with Victor, she doesn’t show it.

Just another day at the office for her, I guess.

“You spoken to Luciana yet?” she asks, turning back to Reid.

“Yeah, I was finally allowed ten minutes of her time,” he mutters, clearly unimpressed with how protected Luciana is.

“And what did she say?” Aubrey prompts.

“Not much. She’s only got a small team working on this. She’s not going to be a lot of help.”

“Well, that’s nice.” Aubrey scoffs, rolling her eyes.

“If we need her, she promised me that she’ll be here. But what can she do right now? You two want coffee?” he asks, turning toward the machine.

“You know it.”

We all fall into a tense silence as the reality of our situation presses down on our shoulders. It’s easy to forget when we’re relaxing, but the second Aubrey comes knocking—or storming in—so does reality.

“Mav, shall we go and check out your back?” Jude says, breaking the silence.

“Been looking forward to it,” Mav deadpans before kissing Alana on the head and stalking out of the room with the medic hot on his heels.

“Give us some good news, Aubs,” Reid begs as he passes her a mug.

She thinks for a moment. “They haven’t found you yet.”

An unamused laugh tumbles from Reid’s lips. “Yet? That the best you got?”

“Give me a couple of those cookies over there and I’ll see if I can come up with something better,” she teases, nodding to his most recent batch.

“Pain in the ass,” Reid mutters as he does as he’s told. It’s bizarre watching him follow orders, and when I glance over at Alana, I find a similar kind of amusement on her face.

“Maybe, but where would you be without me right now?”
