Page 109 of Fearless

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Unwilling to continue this argument, Aubrey presses her hand between my shoulder blades and gently pushes me forward.

“B-but,” I say to argue.

“You can’t single-handedly save them all,” Aubrey whispers.

“Says who?” I demand, needing to do more for these girls.

“We’ll come back,” she promises. “We’re not just going to walk away knowing what is going on here.”

She guides me back through the door and to the stairs Lee brought me up.

“We need to move. Security is going to be on our asses any second,” Aubrey explains, over taking me and running down the stairs at a speed that should be impossible in heels.

Aware that I’m not going to be able to do the same, I tug my shoes from my feet and take off, confident that JD is behind me with Kristie.

My heart drops into my throat when we get to the bottom of the stairs and find a man dressed in black waiting for us.

“Oh shit,” I gasp, looking left and right for a way to escape him. But before I figure out any kind of plan, the man drops to the floor in front of Aubrey.

“What the?—”

“Just run,” she instructs, taking off again.

“Is he dead?” I ask, keeping up behind her.

“Why the fuck do you care?” she shoots over her shoulder.

“I don’t. I just… Do you know where we’re going?”

She takes a sharp left, silently reassuring me that she does.

The second I turn, relief floods me because, at the end of the dark hallway, the doors are open. There are two men standing at them, but they’re not the ones who are going to stop us.

They’re a part of our team.

“Mav,” I cry, running straight into his arms the second he opens them for me. “We found her,” I sob. “We found?—”

“I know, babe. I know. Come on, we’re not safe yet.”

Pulling me into his side, he guides me to our waiting car that’s idling just a little down the street.

Aubrey waits by the door, looking like a fucking badass with a gun ready. Fuck knows where she pulled that from, but now isn’t the time to stop and ask for tips.

Mav helps me into the car and not a second after my ass has hit a seat, JD appears, climbing into the back with Kristie still in his arms.

“Fuck,” Mav hisses, taking in the state of her.

Her face is dirty and bruised. Her cheeks are hollow and her lips are pale and cracked.

Shuffling over, I press my side against JD and allow him to rest her head on my lap.

“Let’s go,” Reid barks as he and Aubrey dive into the car and close the door.

Tires squeal and I’m thrown back into the seat with the speed we take off at.

“We’re out,” Reid says to no one, forcing my eyes up. “Yes,” he confirms.

He has his finger against his ear as he listens to someone. It’s the first time I realize that my earpiece is no longer working.
